
Showing 1276-1300 of 1583 titles.
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Virtue, Order, Mind

Edited by Peter Vincent Amato
Subjects: Philosophy

Discusses the nature of philosophical rationality and modernity.

The Harmony of the Soul

The Harmony of the Soul creates a naturalistic grounding for ethics and a moral grounding for psychotherapy. It is an original and startling synthesis of the ideas of mental health and moral virtue based ...

Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue

Hans-Georg Gadamer, the major proponent of philosophical hermeneutics, reveals himself here as a highly sensitive reader and critic of the German literary tradition. This is not the work of a specialist ...

Richard Rorty

This book is a discussion of the nature and import of Richard Rorty's philosophy, particularly as it relates to his reevaluation of American pragmatism. Rorty's thinking is assessed within the context ...

The Poetics of the Common Knowledge

The Poetics of Common Knowledge focuses on Descartes, Hegel, Freud, and the information theorists, on the one hand, and the poets of the American avant-garde, on the other. This book is a call literally ...

The Political Dimensions of Aristotle's Ethics

A study in the best tradition of classical scholarship, showing mastery of commentary and scholarship in eight languages, this book argues that the Ethics is integral to a series of politically oriented ...


Examines how, beginning in the 1960s up to the present, a new type of fiction was created in America, but also in Europe and Latin America, in response to the cultural, social, and political turmoil of the time.

Injustice and Restitution

This book addresses the nature and injustice of authority, retracing the ideas of reason and law from ancient Greece to the present, pursuing a line of thought begun with Anaximander, who speaks of the ...

Confucian Ethics of the Axial Age

Confucian Ethics of the Axial Age describes the formative period of Chinese culture—the last centuries of the Zhou dynasty—as an early epoch of enlightenment. It comprehensively reconstructs the ethical ...

The Sense of Appropriateness

Günther's book demonstrates that most objections to moral and legal principles are directed not against the validity of principles but against the manner of their application. If one distinguishes between ...

Heidegger and the Essence of Man

Michel Haar argues that Heidegger went too far in transferring all traditional properties of man to being. Haar examines what is left, after this displacement, not only of human identity, but perhaps ...

Operative Rights

By Beth J. Singer
Subjects: Philosophy

This book was written because none of the more traditional theories accurately portray the way rights, including individual rights, actually function. It develops a theory of rights that challenges the ...

The Discipline of Freedom

The author interprets Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki's account of Zen practice from a Kantian perspective in order to explore the deep connection between Zen meditation, or zazen, and respect for universal ...

Form and Reason

By Edward Halper
Subjects: Philosophy

This book uses the study of philosophical texts to raise and explore metaphysical issues. On one level, each essay addresses a scholarly issue in a classical text, often a text of Aristotle's. On a deeper ...

Epistemological Issues in Classical Chinese Philosophy

This book shows that classic Chinese philosophy is as rational as Western approaches dealing with the problems of logic, epistemology, language analysis, and linguistic topics from a philosophical point ...

Remaining in Light

This is the first sustained, critical examination of the work of Edward Hopper, a major twentieth-century American painter. It is a sequence of meditations on his painting "A Woman in the Sun." Each meditation, ...

Evolutionary Ethics

This volume analyzes the biological and philosophical disagreements in evolutionary ethics and points out difficulties with the interpretations.

The book is divided into four sections. The first is an ...

A Postmodern Reader

Edited by Joseph Natoli & Linda Hutcheon
Subjects: Philosophy

These readings are organized into four sections. The first explores the wellsprings of the debates in the relationship between the postmodern and the enterprise it both continues and contravenes: modernism. ...

A Practical Philosophy for the Life Sciences

This book integrates philosophy of biology and philosophy of medicine with the purpose of making philosophy practical for students and scientists. It contains many exercises and examples from live science. ...

Scientific Discovery

Kantorovich analyzes the notion of discovery. He views the process as inference and questions whether there is logic or method to discovery. He provides an alternative perspective on scientific discovery ...

Everyday Spirits

Transformation of being begins exactly where one is. This is, for most of us, at home. We are acted upon by objects familiar to us, influenced in unfelt ways, and moved toward a destiny proper to a responsible ...

The Symposium and the Phaedrus

The Symposium and the Phaedrus are combined here because of their shared theme: a reflection on the nature of erotic love, the love that begins with sexual desire but can transcend that origin and reach ...