
Showing 1251-1275 of 1583 titles.
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Re-Thinking Reason

For two decades, colleges and universities have regularly offered, and in some cases required, courses in thinking skills. Such courses generally have focused on training students in the basics of informal ...

Immanuel Kant

In this book, Hoffe gives a clear, understandable description of Kant's philosophical development and influence, and he sets forth Kant's main ideas from the Critique of Pure Reason and the ethics to ...

Enlightenment East and West

By Leonard Angel
Subjects: Philosophy

This book shows that mysticism is incomplete without scientific rationalism, and that our current social and political projects cannot be completed without assimilating the values and practices of mysticism. ...

The Bill of Rights

Edited by Gary C. Bryner & A. Don Sorensen
Subjects: Philosophy

This book explores the state of rights in America, examines their roots, assesses their effectiveness, discusses their future, and considers how the experience of the U.S. in defining and securing rights ...

Gods of Play

This book studies the close connections between politics, culture, art, and philosophy in seventeenth-century Europe. As an emblem of this interrelationship, the author has chosen the phenomenon of the ...

Kant on Happiness in Ethics

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of Kant's treatment of happiness in ethics. It considers the definition of happiness and the possible roles happiness may serve in ethics. It argues against ...

Individuation and Identity in Early Modern Philosophy

Philosophy in the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries has traditionally been characterized as being primarily concerned with epistemological issues. This book is not intended to overturn this characterization ...

Developments in American Sociological Theory, 1915-1950

This book presents a comprehensive, extended, and systematic analysis of social theory as it developed between the two World Wars, a period during which major transformation occurred. Centering on the ...

Transitions in Continental Philosophy

This book challenges and renews the discussions that have historically characterized the tradition of continental thought in the areas of ethics, feminism, aesthetics, and political theory. The classical ...

Myth and Modernity

This book surveys selected modern theories of myth from philosophy, religion, anthropology, sociology, and psychoanalysis to demonstrate a common commitment to a dualistic ontology and/or epistemology. ...

Science, Paradox, and the Moebius Principle

Science, Paradox, and the Moebius Principle confronts basic anomalies in the foundations of contemporary knowledge. Steven M. Rosen deals with paradoxes that call into question our conventional way of ...

Scientific Nihilism

Scientific nihilism is the widespread and ascendant view that the prospects for genuine understanding in scientific knowledge are distinctly negative. This view is especially characteristic of philosophy ...

Building a Profession

At a time when the study of literature and the literary canon itself are once again the focus of intense debate, Building a Profession offers a retrospective on the early days of Comparative Literature ...

Philosophical Papers

Philosophical Papers is useful for readers interested in the story of twentieth century continental philosophy. The book leads the reader throughout the shifts and turns in the often serpentine development ...

The Golden Mean

The Golden Mean reappraises the relationship among the three forms of good that exist in modern Western thought: the good of aesthetic beauty and performance, the good of right and wrong, and the forces ...


This is a groundbreaking work of poetry, autobiography, lesbian studies, multicultural writing, feminist philosophy, and postmodernism. Jeffner Allen achieves a crossing of borders and complex worlds ...

The Wilderness of Dreams

This interdisciplinary study of the religious dimensions of dreams shows how modern dream research supports and enriches our understanding of religiously meaningful dreams.

The Wilderness of Dreams does ...

Discipline and Critique

Andrew Cutrofello demonstrates that in light of Michel Foucault's genealogical criticisms of the juridical model of power, it is possible to develop a postjuridical model of Kantian critique. Recasting ...

Heidegger's Ways

A particularly insightful commentary on Heidegger’s thinking, as well as a fascinating look at Gadamer himself.

Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Experience and Philosophy

Here is an account of the enlightenment experience and its consequences written by a trained philosopher and mathematician who is also a master of English prose. Merrell-Wolff experienced enlightenment, ...

Art and Its Significance

Edited by Stephen David Ross
Subjects: Philosophy

This anthology has been significantly expanded for this edition to include a wider range of contemporary issues. The most important addition is a new section on multicultural theory, including important ...

Idealism and the Endgame of Theory

Three seminal philosophical texts by F. W. J. Schelling, arguably the most complex representations of German Idealism, are clearly presented here for the first time in English.