Cultural Studies

Showing 501-525 of 622 titles.
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Strategies for Theory

Interdisciplinary essays on the role of high theory in politics and popular culture.

Foucault, Cultural Studies, and Governmentality

Applies Foucault's ideas to a cultural studies framework.

Relocating Agency

A postmodernist metacritical look at theories of African literature.

Emancipating Cultural Pluralism

Examines both the benign and harmful aspects of identity politics.

Lost Souls

Traces the history of mind-body dualism.


Explores the ways that stereotypes of heterosexuality are portrayed and constructed in film.

Performing Whiteness

Explores how whiteness is culturally constructed in American films.

Athletic Intruders

Explores women's place in sport and exercise from a socioculture perspective.

Thinking the Limits of the Body

Shows the inseparability of textuality, materiality, and history in discussions of the body.

High Culture

Addresses the place of addiction in modern art, literature, philosophy, and psychology, including its effects on the works of such thinkers and writers as Heidegger, Nietzsche, DeQuincey, Breton, and Burroughs.

Order and Agency in Modernity

Addresses the relationship between modernity and social theory by looking at the works of Parsons, Goffman, and Garfinkel.

Narrative after Deconstruction

Develops a rigorous theory of narrative as apost-deconstructive model for interpretation.

Feminism, Foucault, and Embodied Subjectivity

Argues that Foucault's work employs a conception of subjectivity that is well-suited for feminist theory and politics.

Feast and Folly

Treats French cuisine as a "fine art," offering both historical background as well as a deep analysis of the social, political, and aesthetic aspects of cuisine and taste.

Rethinking the Frankfurt School

By exploring the work of the Frankfurt school today, this book helps to define the very field of cultural studies.

Diversity, Multiculturalism and Social Justice

An interdisciplinary reader exploring issues related to diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice.

The Best Olympics Ever?

Uses the Sydney Olympics as a prism through which to explore recent Olympic scandals, media coverage, reform efforts, and controversies.

Reading Seminar XX

Examines Lacan's key seminar on sexual difference, knowledge, desire, and love.

The Challenges of Ivan Illich

Original essays explore the thought and influence of philosopher, educator, social critic, and theologian Ivan Illich.

Emancipatory Movements in Composition

Examines liberatory learning practices in the contemporary composition classroom.

Beyond Dichotomies

Confronts the cultural challenges of globalization.

After the Orgy

Explores the post-Enlightenment obsession with apocalyptic endings.


Shows how our cultural misconceptions about the body distort its capacities and lead to personal and social ills.

Corporeal Generosity

Challenges the accepted model, and builds a politically sensitive notion of generosity.