Educational Research

Showing 1-25 of 26 titles.
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On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human

Develops a theoretical and methodological focus on Blackness to rethink ideas about humanity underpinning the field of student development.

Going Along with Trans, Queer, and Non-Binary Youth

By Sam Stiegler
Subjects: Education

Engaging, self-reflective stories of conducting research on and with transgender, queer, and non-binary youth as they go about their everyday lives in New York City.

Curriculum, Culture, and Art Education, Second Edition

Through international case studies, this book explores the causes and effects of historical and contemporary cultural changes in art education.

The Social Studies Curriculum, Fifth Edition

Edited by E. Wayne Ross
Subjects: Education

This fully updated and revised edition includes fourteen new chapters on contemporary topics such as critical race theory, decolonizing the curriculum, economics education, and children’s rights.

Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings, Second Edition

By J. Amos Hatch
Subjects: Education

An up-to-date, clearly written, user-friendly guide that students and experienced scholars alike will find invaluable as they plan, implement, and write up qualitative research projects.

Toward a Grammar of Curriculum Practice

By Edmund C. Short
Subjects: Education

Provides a new conceptualization of curriculum and of curriculum planning that is clearer, more functional, more adequate than those previously available.

Black Campus Life

Ethnography of Black engineering majors navigating campus life at a historically White university.

Creating a Culture of Mindful Innovation in Higher Education

Offers a vision for innovation in higher education focused on societal progress and human development, as well as for higher education's role within a broader culture of innovation.

University Management, the Academic Profession, and Neoliberalism

A unique examination of how faculty and university administrators understand their work and professional identities under neoliberalism.

Relational Sociology and Research on Schools, Colleges, and Universities

Brings relational sociology to bear on educational research.

The Room Is on Fire

By Susan Weinstein
Subjects: Education

Blends history and theory with practical descriptions of how spoken word poetry is taught and how to produce spoken word events.

Being Black, Being Male on Campus

Explores how race and gender matter on campus and how Black males navigate college for academic and personal success.

International Librarianship

Demonstrates the impact of global education partnerships related to information access.

Born Out of Struggle

Demonstrates how critical race theory can be useful in real-world situations.

The Problem of College Readiness

Examines how states, schools, and postsecondary institutions might best help improve college readiness and completion.

Time to Write, Second Edition

Analyzes interviews with students, teachers, and administrators to develop a new set of literacies essential for student success in the digital age.

Striving Together

Chronicles the development of a framework for collective impact in education through the perspectives of its founders and lessons learned from pioneering sites.

Inside the Undergraduate Teaching Experience

Shows what kind of changes college faculty make to their teaching and why they make them.

Decolonizing Research in Cross-Cultural Contexts

International scholars share their experiences with the challenges inherent in representing indigenous cultures and decolonizing cross-cultural research.

The Politics of Inquiry

Argues against the “culture of science” currently dominating education discourse and in favor of a more critical understanding of various modes of inquiry.

Improving Urban Middle Schools

A look at Nativity schools, alternative middle schools that have had great success educating at-risk, urban students.

Expressions of Ethnography

Edited by Robin Patric Clair
Subjects: Education

A different approach to contemporary ethnography, embracing the idea that alternative genres may be used to express cultural experience.

National Variations in Jewish Identity

Explores how and why Jewish identity varies in different locations around the world and examines the implications of these variations for Jewish education.

Self and School Success

With the problems of the inner-cities reaching catastrophic proportions, Americans must ask themselves whether any young people in these environments can succeed at all. In our high schools, the good ...