Environmental Studies

Showing 76-100 of 229 titles.
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Green Voices

Essays addressing relatively unknown or unexamined speeches delivered by famous or influential environmental figures.

American Politics and the Environment, Second Edition

Examines the role of politics in the environmental policy making process.

Flight Paths

How a small group of New York biologists brought the peregrine falcon and bald eagle back from the brink of extinction.

World Politics at the Edge of Chaos

Comprehensive overview of the inroads made by Complexity Thinking approaches and ideas in the study and practice of world politics.

Naturalizing Heidegger

Explores the evolution of Heidegger’s thinking about nature and its relevance for environmental ethics.

Feathers of Hope

A joyful journey through Pete Dubacher’s Berkshire Bird Paradise, and a thoughtful contemplation of our relationship to birds and nature.

Creating Sustainable Communities

Explores efforts aimed at creating sustainable communities throughout the Hudson River region.

Philosophizing ad Infinitum

An original and insightful account of nature and our place in it from one of France's preeminent historians of philosophy.

Hans Jonas's Ethic of Responsibility

Articulates the fundamental importance of ontology to Hans Jonas’s environmental ethics.

The Barbarian Principle

Essays exploring a rich intersection between phenomenology and idealism with contemporary relevance.

Energy and the Politics of the North Atlantic

Documents how energy resource acquisition has been the driving motivator for European and American international relations.

Emplotting Virtue

A rich hermeneutic account of the way virtue is understood and developed.

Life Streams

Incisive exploration of the work of Cuban-American artist Alberto Rey.

Energy and Empire

Reveals the role played by political and economic elites in the privileging of civilian commercial nuclear energy over other options, such as solar, in the United States after 1945.

Saving Eagle Mitch

When a Navy SEAL and former Army Ranger rescue a wounded eagle in war-torn Afghanistan, a writer learns what it can take to do one good deed in a seemingly wicked world.

The Ordination of a Tree

A firsthand look at the Thai Buddhist environmental movement and its activist monks.

Critical Animal Studies

By Dawne McCance
Subjects: Philosophy

Comprehensive overview of key theoretical approaches and issues in the field.

Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition

Expanded new edition of a classic examination of the psychological roots of our ecological crisis.

Water Drops

An introduction to our most precious natural resource.

Strong Hearts, Native Lands

Uplifting account of the struggle between the Grassy Narrows First Nation and the Canadian logging industry.

Nature and Logos

Exploration of Alfred North Whitehead's influence on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ontology of nature.

Schelling's Organic Form of Philosophy

Locates in Schelling a new understanding of our relation to nature in philosophy.

Environmental Evasion

By Lloyd Willis
Subjects: Literature

Brings ecocriticism into conversation with critical American studies approaches to literary canon formation.

Water Pollution Policies and the American States

A fresh perspective on American water pollution policy

Environmental History of the Hudson River

Edited by Robert E. Henshaw
Foreword by Frances F. Dunwell
Subjects: New York/regional

Biologists, historians, and social scientists explore the reciprocal relationships between humans and the Hudson River.