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Laughing on the Brink of Humanity

Stretching from antiquity to AI, a provocative study of the joyless laughter that emerges at the boundary of the human and the inhuman.

Eccentric Laughter

Dispels the idea that postwar British comedies were apolitical, arguing instead that they presented subversive, iconoclastic, queer experiments in living for a country that was rebuilding and reimagining itself after years of conflict.

Reimagining Europe

Essays addressing, from various angles, the relationship between Europe and philosophy in today’s crisis-ridden contexts such as xenophobia and migration.

School-University Partnerships

By Keli Garas-York
Subjects: Education

A research-based, practical guide to the Professional Development Schools (PDS) approach to school-university partnerships

The Life of the Soul

Offers a comprehensive and nuanced treatment on the topic of reincarnation in Judaism, covering a wide range of kabbalistic and philosophical sources.

Cohabiting Earth

Promotes a path of harmony between humanity and Earth by presenting a vision that is comprehensive in scope and offering a positive new identity for humanity.


By Amr Kamal
Subjects: Literature

A comparative study of iconographic and fictional representations of department stores in France and Egypt, as sites of imperial and Mediterranean cultural memory, from 1859 to the present.

The Cinema of the Real

Alters the landscape of Lacanian film theory by revealing an “emancipatory drive” in transnational cinema.

Meeting the Moment

Inspiring stories of six US presidents and the distinctive leadership characteristics that set them apart and transformed America.

A Farm Family on Long Island's North Fork

Life, love, and scandal in a nineteenth-century Long Island farm community.

Crisis TV

Wide-ranging, in-depth analysis of Spanish-language television fiction after the 2008 global financial crisis.

Freedom Is Not Enough

Shows the surprising ways T. S. Eliot's work sheds light on—and proves useful to—the contemporary struggle for a freer and more just world.

Sites of Statelessness

Explores various unusual sites of statelessness like sea, cities, and laws, beyond mere legal and regulatory frameworks, that determines statelessness.

God in Post-Christianity

Argues for a new elemental and sensory experience of God.

Childhood, Philosophy, and Dialogical Education

Offers both theoretical and practical insights into the dialogue between adults and children as a democratic model for schooling.

Leo Strauss on Religion

Intriguing unpublished manuscripts by Leo Strauss, which explore the intricate relationship between religion, philosophy, and politics, accompanied by fourteen interpretative essays.

Cold War Genres

Argues that the post-independence period was a unique era of literary experimentation in Hindi literature, which must be read in the contexts of both local and global cultural, social, and literary history.

Living Chinese Philosophy

Contrasts classical Greek ontology ("the science of being in itself") with Confucian "zoetology" ("the art of living").

On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human

Develops a theoretical and methodological focus on Blackness to rethink ideas about humanity underpinning the field of student development.

Common Scents

Attends to the much-neglected sense of smell in and around modern poetry to suggest the possibility of a revolution of the senses.

Novel Pedagogy

Explores Victorian writers’ conception of the novel’s potential to become serious knowledge and differentiate itself from other educational genres.

Phenomenology and Future Generations

Demonstrates the fertility of the phenomenological tradition of philosophy for intergenerational justice and climate ethics.

Behind Kṛṣṇa’s Smile

Examines Kṛṣṇa’s hint of laughter (prahasann iva) in the Bhagavadgītā, its interpretations in the Vedānta commentarial tradition, and its significance in Kṛṣṇaite iconography and literature.


The story of Woodstock, N.Y., over the last 100 years and how a small, rural town coped with the many challenges of changing times.

Strange, Surprising, Sure

Accessible and wide-ranging essays on the philosophy of religion.