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Ana M. López

Brings together Ana M. López's field-defining essays on Latin American film and media in one indispensable volume.

A Silence from Hitchcock

Extensive meditations on silence in the films of Alfred Hitchcock.

Crossing Boundaries and Confounding Identity

Examines literary, historical, and cultural portrayals of Chinese women, across centuries and continents.

Feminists Reclaim Mentorship

Feminists revisit their mixed experiences of mentoring and being mentored to reclaim mentorship as a project for new generations.

Life Above the Clouds

Edited by Steven DeLay
Subjects: Philosophy

The definitive philosophical exploration of the work of pioneering filmmaker Terrence Malick.

Distancing Representations in Transgender Film

Argues that transgender representations in film make it more difficult for cisgender people to understand the experiences of transgender people and for transgender people to fully participate in public life.

This Side of Philosophy

Assesses a distinct style of thinking in twentieth-century Spanish writing, one in which literature plays a central role in reaching behind philosophy to essential sources of life and meaning.

Reluctant Sleuths, True Detectives

Explores the figure of the detective as a pursuer of knowledge in four noir films.

Passive Voices (On the Subject of Phenomenology and Other Figures of Speech)

Addresses the question of how language affects the subject of speech through readings of confessional, philosophical, and fictional writings.

The Touch of the Present

Explores the importance of the body and the senses in educational encounters, drawing out the aesthetic and political dimensions of educational practices.

Critical Studies on Heidegger

Original reading of Heidegger suggesting what his project could mean for building an ethical way of life now and in the future.

A Wild and Sacred Call

An ecopsychological, ecospiritual exploration of humankind's relationship with the rest of nature.

Event: Book talk and signing with Amy Truesdell

May 06, 2023 @ 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Bangor Public Library, Bangor, Maine

The Bangor Public Library is hosting Amy Truesdell for a discussion of her new book, "From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell." In the book, she traces the Civil War experiences of her great-great-grandfather, an early enlistee in the... Read more

Event: Book talk and signing with Amy Truesdell

March 02, 2023 @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, Maine

The Lincoln County Historical Society is hosting Amy Truesdell for a discussion of her new book, "From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell." In the book, she traces the Civil War experiences of her great-great-grandfather, an early enlistee... Read more

Palimpsest - Volume #11, Issue #2 (11/2022)

Table of Contents

Editor’s Introduction


“From Congo in a Slave Ship”: The Illegal Transatlantic Slave Trade and Antebellum Free Black Political Engagement with Congo
Sharla M. Fett

“The Land ...

Event: Dr. Antar Tichavakunda, author of "Black Campus Life" at RPI 24th Annual Black Families Technology Awareness Day

February 04, 2023 @ 9:00am - 4:30pm
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) will hold its 24th annual Black Families Technology Awareness Day on Saturday, February 4. The event, free and open to the public, is designed to introduce historically underrepresented students in grades K-12, their families, and educators... Read more

Event: Dr. Antar Tichavakunda, author of "Black Campus Life", Speaks at RPI about race relations and equity in STEM

February 07, 2023 @ 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

The Office of Multicultural Programs, in collaboration with campus wide strategic partners, will host Dr. Antar Tichavakunda, Assistant Professor of Race and Higher Education at the University of California Santa Barbara, for a series of engagement events with faculty, staff,... Read more

Event: Dr. Antar Tichavakunda, author of "Black Campus Life", Speaks at RPI about race relations and equity in STEM

February 06, 2023 @ 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

The Office of Multicultural Programs, in collaboration with campus wide strategic partners, will host Dr. Antar Tichavakunda, Assistant Professor of Race and Higher Education at the University of California Santa Barbara, for a series of engagement events with faculty, staff,... Read more

Beyond Measurement

By Guest Contributor January 24, 2023 Tags: SUNY Press Authors

Event: "Ladies Day at the Capitol" Author Presentation

February 02, 2023 @ 12:00pm - 1:00pm
New York State Library

URL is to register for the online event
Speaker: Lauren Kozakiewicz, Ph.D.
Historian Lauren Kozakiewicz places New York’s elected women officials squarely at the center of the state’s politics and political history. Based on extensive research and interviews, she shows how... Read more

Event: "Dear Uncles" book signing and reading at Enjoy the Store

March 04, 2023 @ 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Enjoy the Store, 615 Main Street, Red Bluff, Ca.

Come join Rick Barram for the unofficial release party of his latest book, "Dear Uncles, The Civil War Letters of Arthur McKinstry, A Soldier in the Excelsior Brigade." Drinks and food will be available along with live music from the Civil War era.

Meet Our New Director

By SUNY Press January 19, 2023 Tags: SUNY Press Team

The Obscure Substance of Sky

A book of poems and painted images.

Event: "Quite a Horror of Finery": The Fashion of Female Characters in Austen’s Novels.

February 11, 2023 @ 10:00am - 11:00am
The Mount Dora Jane Austen Fest - Community Building, Mount Dora, FL 32756

What is the relationship between outer and inner beauty in Austen’s novels? On the one hand, the author satirizes the preoccupation with self-display fueled by vanity and social maneuvering, but the good-natured Musgrove sisters “liv[e] to be fashionable, happy, and merry”... Read more

Event: "From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell" - Book Talk and Signing at Rockland Public Library

June 01, 2023 @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Rockland Public Library, Rockland, Maine

Amy J. Truesdell will talk about her book, From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell, and sign copies after her presentation. The book traces the experiences of her great-great-grandfather from the time he rushed from the family farm to... Read more