Fall 2022 - Public Policy

Showing 1-6 of 6 titles.

Ecology on the Ground and in the Clouds

Follows Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland as they travel together in South America and then go their separate ways, in the process illustrating two very different ways of understanding humanity's place in the natural world.

Capitalism for All

Demonstrates that a true liberal capitalism has the capacity to enable personal well-being while dealing with new challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and automation.

A New American Labor Movement

Describes how new kinds of direct-action labor movements are emerging to reshape American labor activism in the twenty-first century.

FDR's Budgeteer and Manager-in-Chief

First study of Harold D. Smith, FDR’s budget director from 1939 to 1945.

A Postcolonial Relationship

Offers an Asian immigrant perspective on US racial relations and explores the unique situations and challenges facing Asian immigrants in the United States.

Making the Public Service Millennial

Examines how the new wave of Generation Y public service employees are affecting the dynamics of continuity and change in public management ethics.