Excelsior Editions (Imprint)

Showing 201-225 of 301 titles.
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Up on a Hill and Thereabouts

Childhood recollections of life in the Adirondack Mountains during the Great Depression.

Pardee Holler

Follows hapless private eye Easy Taylor as he investigates an eco-terrorist plot to stop development in the Catskill Mountains.

The Kingdom of the Kid

Recalls a childhood on Long Island as the counterculture sixties were sliding into the seventies and the Hamptons were still a middle-class sanctuary.

Opening Statements

Explores the influence of Dutch law and jurisprudence in colonial America.

Running on Empty

Explores how Southampton College went from “the jewel in the university crown” to an “albatross around the university neck. ”

Integral Leadership

A groundbreaking book that brings the insights of Integral Theory to business and organizational development.

Integral Recovery

Brings Integral Theory to addiction treatment, offering a more holistic vision of recovery and powerful practices for achieving it.

20,000 Leagues Under the Seas

The deep-sea exploits of secretive Captain Nemo, embarking on the world's first global vendetta.

Around the World in 80 Days

Literature's classic race against the clock.

Saving Eagle Mitch

When a Navy SEAL and former Army Ranger rescue a wounded eagle in war-torn Afghanistan, a writer learns what it can take to do one good deed in a seemingly wicked world.

Here, Everything Is Dreaming

Poems and stories that stream directly from dreams and shamanic adventures in the world-behind-the-world.

Life on a Rocky Farm

A folksy look at farm life in rugged Putnam Valley just as it was being transformed by industrialization and mechanization.

Fight All Day, March All Night

By Wayne Mahood
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

An inspiring narrative of a young Civil War soldier, as told though his letters from the battlefield.

The Untold Story of Champ

The definitive account of a Lake Champlain legend.

The Gambler's Daughter

In exploring her father's own gambling addiction, the author uncovers a hidden history of gambling in the Jewish community.

The Middle of Everywhere

A young man’s quest to keep his hometown’s paper mill from closing turns into an odyssey across a rural upstate New York county.

An Uncommon Cape

Three mysteries precipitate an investigation into an otherwise ordinary suburban property, revealing a past inextricably woven into four centuries of American history.

Farmingdale State College

Fascinating history of the oldest public college on Long Island.

Liberty Street

By Peter Josyph
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

A haunting record of the destruction and rebirth of the neighborhood surrounding Ground Zero.

John Emmett Connors

An artist’s appreciation of the Collar City, Troy, New York.

Water Drops

An introduction to our most precious natural resource.

Still in the Hamptons

More encounters with sometimes rich, sometimes famous, but always quirky residents of the Hamptons, by the editor and publishers of Dan's Papers.

The Sphinx of the Ice Realm

The first complete English translation of Jules Verne's epic fantasy novel.

Tax Cheating

An examination of the ethical issues surrounding tax cheating and implications for public policy.

Dead Woman Hollow

Three generations of Northern Appalachian women confront poverty, violence, and isolation.