Cultural Studies

Showing 251-275 of 385 titles.
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Latinos in Dixie

A look at the Latino experience in the American South using data from Richmond, Virginia.

Teaching the Silk Road

Advocating a global as opposed to a Eurocentric perspective in the college classroom, discusses why and how to teach about China's Silk Road.

Native Authenticity

A survey of current critical perspectives on how North American indigenous peoples are viewed and represented transnationally.

American Buddhism as a Way of Life

Explores a range of Buddhist perspectives in a distinctly American context.

Unresolved Identities

Explores the ways that immigrant youth identities are shaped by dominant discourses.

The Very Thought of Education

A startling reading of the educational enterprise through a psychoanalytic lens.

Victorian Fetishism

Examines the importance of fetishism in nineteenth-century cultural theory.

Paradigm City

Materially grounded analysis of contemporary film, literature, and music in Hong Kong that resists the superficial stereotypes of the “global city. ”

My Life at the Gym

Edited by Jo Malin
Subjects: Gender And Sexuality

Personal accounts celebrating the place of exercise in women’s lives—and as the site of women’s community.

Constructing the Nation

Philosophers and social theorists of color examine how racism can creep into defensive forms of nationalism.

The Trauma Controversy

Provides multiple and accessible perspectives on trauma both as a condition and as a cultural phenomenon.

Vampire God

By Mary Y. Hallab
Subjects: Literature

Examines the enormous popular appeal of vampires from early Greek and Slavic folklore to present-day popular culture.

Queer Externalities

Provocative take on the negative effects of increasing queer visibility and assimilation on the lives of queer people and politics in the U. S.

Religious Festive Practices in Boston's North End

A comprehensive cultural and historical portrait of Italian American identities in Boston’s North End.

Unspeakable Secrets and the Psychoanalysis of Culture

Explores the radical political potential of close reading to make the case for a new and invigorated psychoanalytic cultural studies.

Disciplining the Holocaust

Explores the relationship between disciplinarity and contemporary ethics of scholarship about the Holocaust.

Expelling Hope

Demonstrates the many devastating and interrelated threats that punitive policies like “zero tolerance” pose to youth, schooling, and democracy.

Burning Darkness

Encourages a deep reading of a selection of essential Spanish films.

The Erotics of Corruption

A provocative retelling of the story of political corruption in the modern period.

The Body in Medical Culture

Edited by Elizabeth Klaver
Subjects: Cultural Studies

Engages critically with historical and contemporary representations of the medicalized human body.

Locating Race

Pinpoints the limits of many current globalization theories in challenging racial oppression, and argues instead for local and situated strategies for resisting racism and imperialism.

Cary Nelson and the Struggle for the University

Scholars engage the ideas and legacy of Cary Nelson in conversations about the corporate university, teaching, poetry, and activism.

The Order of Joy

Provocative exploration of a new concept of “joy” within psychoanalytic and cultural studies.

How the Gene Got Its Groove

Traces the rhetorical work of the gene in scientific and nonscientific discourse throughout the twentieth century.

The Oprah Affect

Essays explore the broad cultural impact of Oprah’s Book Club.