
Showing 476-500 of 843 titles.
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Utopia of Understanding

A hermeneutics of language after Auschwitz.

Rebellious Histories

Traces the emergence of creative texts focusing on the nineteenth-century slave trade to make sense of the radicalized effects of global capitalism.

Fight All Day, March All Night

By Wayne Mahood
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

An inspiring narrative of a young Civil War soldier, as told though his letters from the battlefield.

The Untold Story of Champ

The definitive account of a Lake Champlain legend.

An Uncommon Cape

Three mysteries precipitate an investigation into an otherwise ordinary suburban property, revealing a past inextricably woven into four centuries of American history.

Letters to ONE

Collection of letters written to the first openly gay magazine in the United States.

Liberty Street

By Peter Josyph
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

A haunting record of the destruction and rebirth of the neighborhood surrounding Ground Zero.

Women and Confucianism in Chosǒn Korea

A new, multifaceted look at Korean women during a period of strong Confucian ideology.

Richard Varick: A Forgotten Founding Father

The life of a prominent Dutch-American patriot.

Precipice or Crossroads?

Comprehensive treatment of the challenges faced by America’s public research universities, and of what those challenges may mean for the nation.

California Dreaming

Multidisciplinary study of the citrus industry in Palestine before World War II.

The Federal Government and Urban Housing, Third Edition

A comprehensive history of U.S. housing policy that illuminates the political struggles that have accompanied the nation’s effort to assist those citizens who are in desperate need of decent, affordable housing.

Hiding Places

A daughter struggles to get her mother to talk about her Holocaust experiences, and tries to understand how those experiences have shaped her own life.

Masked Voices

An analysis of unpublished letters to the first American gay magazine reveals the agency, adaptation, and resistance occurring in the gay community during the McCarthy era.

Guerrillas in the Industrial Jungle

By Ursula McTaggart
Subjects: History

Examines the metaphors of the “primitive” and the “industrial” in the rhetoric and imagery of anticapitalist American radical and revolutionary movements.


Provocative essays on the distinct history and culture of Buffalo and the Canadian border region.

The Interpreter

A visionary journey into the crucible in which America was born, a tale of love and war and of a master shaman who folds time to seek the key to the survival of his people.

J'aime New York, 2nd Edition

A guide to the important but half-forgotten chapters of New York State’s French history.

Federman's Fictions

Edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Introduction by Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Preface by Charles Bernstein
Afterword by Raymond Federman
Subjects: Literature

A comprehensive examination of one of the twentieth century's most innovative writers and critics.

China's America

A fascinating look at Chinese perceptions of the United States and the cultural and political background that informs them.

Potent Mana

Brilliant study of the effects of colonialism on the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Native Hawaiians, and their efforts to decolonize through healing and remembering.

Global Governance, Global Government

Edited by Luis Cabrera
Subjects: Politics And Law

Puts commentators on Global government in conversation about their often provocative global institutional visions.

Out of the East

Chronicles how the SED, a once villified political party, transformed itself into a viable national political party.

The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason

Examines the relationship between diverse iterations of Rosicrucianism and the philosophy of the Enlightenment.

American Exceptionalisms

Wide ranging, interdisciplinary look at the emergence and persistence of the concept of American Exceptionalism in US culture and history.