American History

Showing 176-200 of 245 titles.
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Richard Varick: A Forgotten Founding Father

The life of a prominent Dutch-American patriot.

Precipice or Crossroads?

Comprehensive treatment of the challenges faced by America’s public research universities, and of what those challenges may mean for the nation.


Provocative essays on the distinct history and culture of Buffalo and the Canadian border region.

The Interpreter

A visionary journey into the crucible in which America was born, a tale of love and war and of a master shaman who folds time to seek the key to the survival of his people.

J'aime New York, 2nd Edition

A guide to the important but half-forgotten chapters of New York State’s French history.

American Exceptionalisms

Wide ranging, interdisciplinary look at the emergence and persistence of the concept of American Exceptionalism in US culture and history.

Blood at the Root

Examines the relationship of lynching to black and white citizenship in the 19th and 20th century U. S. through a focus on historical, visual, cultural, and literary texts.

Emerson and Eros

By Len Gougeon
Subjects: History

Traces the spiritual, psychological, and intellectual evolution of one of America’s most important cultural figures.

Lincoln's Veteran Volunteers Win the War

By D. Reid Ross
Foreword by Duane A. Smith
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

Chronicles the Civil War experiences of four brothers from New York’s Hudson Valley.

When Boxing Was a Jewish Sport

A vivid portrayal of the important role of Jews in American boxing history, and vice versa.

Walt Whitman's Mystical Ethics of Comradeship

Recovers Walt Whitman as a self-conscious religious figure with an ethic based in male comradeship, one at odds with the temper of his times.

All But Forgotten

Study of Thomas Jefferson’s legacy in public administration.

Proving Up

Uses the interdisciplinary approach of evolutionary economics to explore the history of land domestication in the United States.

Silencing the Opposition

Edited by Craig R. Smith
Subjects: History

Examines major challenges to the Fist Amendment and focuses on the extremely important paradigm shift of freedom of expression in the post-9/11 era.

Memory Matters

Edited by Daniel M. Cobb & Helen Sheumaker
Subjects: History

Explores how the process of memorialization keeps the past alive in the present and shapes the way we imagine our possible futures.

A Place in History

A journey into Albany’s historic past and the city’s role in three pivotal historical narratives: the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the construction of the Erie Canal.

The Quotable Judge Posner

Collection of quotations and judicial opinions of federal appellate judge Richard A. Posner

Out in Front

By Jeb Byrne
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

Lively anecdotes retold by an advance man for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.

Fire Along the Sky

A wildly entertaining historical adventure, deep inside the crucible in which America was forged.

America's Economic Moralists

By Donald E. Frey
Subjects: History

Traces the history of two rival American economic moralities from colonial times to the present.

The Other Loyalists

Fascinating stories of ordinary people in the Middle Colonies who remained loyal to the Crown.

But One Race

Biography of famous black abolitionist and voting rights advocate, Robert Purvis.

The Passionate Empiricist

Explores John Quincy Adams’s oratorical work in support of government-funded science.

King of the Bowery

The first full-length biography of Timothy D. "Big Tim" Sullivan, who dominated New York City politics in the three decades prior to World War I.

America's First River

Examines the many facets of the Hudson's rich history, distinctive regional culture, and important contributions to the development of modern America.