
Showing 1126-1150 of 1583 titles.
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Compelling Knowledge

Asks what sorts and sources of knowing we should consider compelling as we seek to live morally responsible lives. Contends that Martin Luther's theology of the cross provides a solid theological and ethical basis for a surprisingly congenial conversation with feminist thought and scholarship on these issues.

Ethics and the Discovery of the Unconscious

Develops an original and compelling moral psychology that recognizes both the centrality of unconscious motivation and the inescapability of moral responsibility.

Impartiality in Context

Assesses critically the work of Rawls, Walzer, and Habermas and presents a theory of justice that responds to two senses of pluralism.

Hegel, History, and Interpretation

Extends critical discussions of Hegel into contemporary debates about the nature of interpretation and theories of philosophical hermeneutics.

Wrongness, Wisdom, and Wilderness

Defends a libertarian social ethic that can support government action in pursuit of social goals and offers a new perspective on the relationship between social ethics, personal ethics, and environmental ethics.

Analysis and Science in Aristotle

Presents a new interpretation of Aristotle's Analytics (the Prior and Posterior Analytics) as a unified whole, and argues that to "loose up" or solve—rather than to reduce or break up—is the principle meaning which best characterizes the Analytics.

The Recovery of Philosophy in America

This collection of essays by leading American philosophers honors John E. Smith, a major figure in the struggle for the American profession of philosophy to redefine itself and return to its grander traditions.

Forms of Transcendence

Oriented toward the question of God, this book sets up a dialogue between Heidegger and four medieval authors: St. Bonaventure, Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, and Jan van Ruusbroec.

Advice to the Serious Seeker

This is an introduction to the perennialist school of comparative religious philosophy and a guidebook for the general reader seeking intellectually serious but accessible answers to questions about the spiritual life.

Pragmatism as a Principle and Method of Right Thinking

A study edition of Peirce's manuscripts for lectures on pragmatism given in spring 1903 at Harvard University, with notes, preface, and an original introduction by the editor introducing Peirce and interpreting Peirce's thinking for a more general readership.

The Actuality of Adorno

Brings together some of the most prominent and influential contemporary interpreters of Adorno's work in a wide-ranging collection of essays that explores Adorno's relation to themes and problems in postmodern thought.

The Gift of Truth

Reexamines the good, tracing the history of the idea of truth as an ethical movement, and interpreting the good as nature's abundance, giving beauty and truth as gifts.

Art in the Social Order

Seeks to replace the dominant approaches to the question of the nature of art in contemporary English-speaking (analytic) philosophy with a historicist approach that emphasizes localized, cultural-historical narratives.

Illusions of Reality

By James H. Korn
Subjects: Philosophy

Examines the origins and the development of the use of deception in psychological research to create illusions of reality.

Hermeneutics and the Voice of the Other

Elucidates the major components of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics found in his later work.

Alternatives in Jewish Bioethics

This dialogue between the Jewish normative tradition and Western moral philosophy addresses central contemporary issues in medical ethics.

Figuring the Self

Provides a systematic overview of the topic of self in classical German philosophy, focusing on the period around 1800 and covering Kant, Fichte, Holderlin, Novalis, Schelling, Schleiermacher, and Hegel.

Mapping Reality

Using the insights of evolutionary epistemology, the author develops a new naturalist realist methodology of science, and applies it to the conceptual, practical, and ethical problems of the social sciences.

Son of Spirit

A historical novel, this is the beautifully told story of Louis Hegel, illegitimate son of the philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. Ultimately disowned by his father and forced to use his mother's name, Louis died in Indonesia, as Ludwig Fischer, at the age of 24--the bastard son of SPIRIT.

Parapsychology, Philosophy, and Spirituality

Examines why parapsychology has been held in disdain by scientists, philosophers, and theologians, explores the evidence for ESP, psychokinesis, and life after death, and suggests that these phenomena provide support for a meaningful postmodern spirituality.

Waking to Wonder

The central claim of this book is that, early and late, Wittgenstein modelled his approach to existential meaning on his account of linguistic meaning. A reading of Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy sets ...

Critique and Totality

Presents an original and rigorous reading of the entire project of Kantian critique, demonstrating the essential role that cosmology plays in Kant and those he influenced.

Question of Ethics in Our Time, The (with letters from Heidegger)

A proposal for individual responsibility in communal life.

Seeds of Wisdom

Edited by Douglas W. Shrader
Subjects: Philosophy

Select papers from Oneonta’s Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.

Reflection on Whitehead's Philosophical Theology

Explores the philosophical theology of Alfred North Whitehead.