Political Science

Showing 151-175 of 260 titles.
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The Other Side of Gridlock

A detailed study of political gridlock in Congress, offering an alternative perspective for evaluating its persistence and charting a course for change.

Defenders of Liberty or Champions of Security?

Examines the critical role assumed by the U. S. judiciary in balancing concerns about national security with the protection of liberty after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Silencing the Opposition

Edited by Craig R. Smith
Subjects: History

Examines major challenges to the Fist Amendment and focuses on the extremely important paradigm shift of freedom of expression in the post-9/11 era.

Mission Expansion in the Federal Home Loan Bank System

Studies the Federal Home Loan Bank System, how it has changed over time and why

Conservatism and Racism, and Why in America They Are the Same

Systematically illustrates the inescapable racism of American conservatism.

Tales from the Sausage Factory

A former state legislator and a political scientist team up to show how New York's legislature was once the nation's model professional legislature, and how it might recover from its present dysfunction.

Getting a Poor Return

Examines competing claims and beliefs about the American legal system in the area of tax policy and tax enforcement.

The Man Who Saved New York

A dramatic and colorful portrait of one of New York’s most remarkable governors, Hugh L. Carey, with emphasis on his leadership during the fiscal crisis of 1975.

The Quotable Judge Posner

Collection of quotations and judicial opinions of federal appellate judge Richard A. Posner

Sound-Bite Saboteurs

Argues that the reliance on sound bites in recent political discourse is harmful to the democratic process.

Universal Preschool

Examines recent trends in state-funded preschool education.

The Lebanese Army

Comprehensive study of the Lebanese Army from Lebanon’s independence to the present.

The Politics of Identity

Makes the surprising claim that identity politics can facilitate rather than undermine worker solidarity.

The Civic Conversations of Thucydides and Plato

Argues for the contemporary importance of Thucydides and Plato for both democratic political theory and democratic citizens.

Democracy as Culture

Explores the significance of Dewey’s thought on democracy for the contemporary world.

Rights, Remedies, and the Impact of State Sovereign Immunity

Engaging case studies on the impact of state sovereign immunity on both plaintiffs and states.

Public Opinion and the Rehnquist Court

Examines the complex relationship between American public opinion and the U. S. Supreme Court.

Against the State

Irreverent and incisive critique of liberal theories of the state.

Sin, Sex, and Democracy

Explores the Christian Right’s use of tailored rhetorics to advance multiple and varied antigay political projects.

The Government and Politics of New York State

Comprehensive overview of New York State government and politics.

Transitions and Consolidation of Democracy in Africa

Examines the transitions to democracy in Africa.

The Social Construction of Public Administration

Challenges the limitations of modern public administration theories.

Slavophile Thought and the Politics of Cultural Nationalism

Examines the origins of Russian nationalism and its relationship to the West.

State Constitutions for the Twenty-first Century, Volume 3

Nationally recognized experts analyze how states deal with major constitutional issues.

Rethinking Islam and Liberal Democracy

Examines the experiences of women activists of the Islamist Refah (Welfare) party in Turkey.