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The Gaucho Martín Fierro

This is a poem of protest drawn from the life of the gaucho, who was forced to yield his freedom and individuality to the social and material changes that invaded his beloved pampas--a protest which arose ...

Al-Kindi's Metaphysics

Introduction by Alfred L. Ivry
Commentaries by Alfred L. Ivry
Subjects: Religion And Spirituality

A translation and commentary on al-Kindi's “On First Philosophy,” a seminal work of early Islamic thought.

The Making of the National Labor Relations Board

By James A. Gross
Subjects: History

Definitive study of the NLRB as an administrative agency which became one of the most important political and legal developments in the last century as it influenced the growth of a national labor policy ...

Man's Future Birthright

Hermann Joseph Muller (1890–1967) was a member of the early genetics group at Columbia University that developed the chromosome theory of inheritance. T. H. Morgan received the Nobel Prize in Medicine ...

Letters of Louis D. Brandeis: Volume III, 1913-1915

With the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912, Louis D. Brandeis emerged as the undisputed intellectual leader of those reformers who were trying to recreate a democratic society free from the economic ...

Book of Good Love

A masterpiece in the tradition of the Decameron and the Canterbury Tales, Juan Ruiz's fourteenth-century Spanish narrative poem combines the comic and the serious, the bawdy and the practical, the satiric ...

Donne at Sermons

In Donne at Sermons, Gale Carrithers uncovers the theocentric existentialism that underlies the content and structure of the great poet-preacher's sermons. After considering Donne's grand strategies within ...

Whitehead's Ontology

By John W. Lango
Subjects: Philosophy

An examination of Whitehead's metaphysics through a study of his Process and Reality.

Letters of Louis D. Brandeis: Volume II, 1907-1912

The letters in this volume record an important transition in Brandeis's life. In July 1907, when the letters begin, Louis D. Brandeis was merely an unusually successful local reformer. His earlier victories ...

The Growth of the International Economy, 1820-1960

Here is an introduction to the study of the international economy as a mechanism for diffusing modern economic growth between nations. It is divided into three parts, of which the first examines the workings ...

The Igbo-Igala Borderland

This ethno-historical survey of the northern Nsukka borderland examines particularly one method of African colonial control. When, in the late eighteenth century, the Igala conquered the indigenous Igbo, ...

The Money Machines

The Money Machines advances the provocative thesis that the mechanisms for financing state and local government in the Northern United States from 1860 to 1920 were deeply enmeshed with those financing ...

Ethics and Social Justice

Hailed by philosopher Sidney Hook as "a landmark in the history of American philosophy," the International Philosophy Year in 1967-68 brought seventy of the Western world's most distinguished philosophers ...

Swinburne's Theory of Poetry

Charles Algernon Swinburne's literary reputation rests almost exclusively upon his poetry, and though his critical writings were voluminous, they are usually slighted by literary historians. Examinations ...

Naturalism and Subjectivism

By Marvin Farber
Subjects: Philosophy

This book will assist readers of philosophical literature to understand and to appraise a large section of the controversial philosophical thought of our time. The central theme is the conflict between ...

Doctrine and Poetry

To our modern sensibilities, "doctrine" and "poetry" may seem antithetical, but the medieval Christian found nothing conflicting in them. In this provocative book, Bernard F. Huppe outlines the influence of Augustinian doctrine upon old English poetry and shows that their association was so close as to be indissoluble.

Hawthorne's View of the Artist

The Hawthorne depicted by Professor Bell in these pages will be as much of a surprise to many readers as is his appearance in the rare 1847 daguerreotype reproduced on the book-jacket. "This virtually ...

Hegel on Art

By Jack Kaminsky
Subjects: Philosophy

Professor Kaminsky's lucid exposition is, surprisingly, the first attempt in English to deal extensively and critically with Hegel's views on art, as outlined in his difficult volumes on that subject. ...