Philosophy of Education

Showing 26-50 of 51 titles.
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Grade Inflation

Edited by Lester H. Hunt
Subjects: Education

An authoritative and provocative discussion of the key issues surrounding grade inflation and its possible effects on academic excellence.

Reconstructing Democracy, Recontextualizing Dewey

Edited by Jim Garrison
Subjects: Philosophy

Leading scholars challenge and reinvigorate the pragmatic method of John Dewey.

Teaching Nonmajors

Delivers uncomplicated and useful techniques for better teaching to nonmajors in liberal arts courses.

Burning Down the House

A riveting analysis of the struggle to eliminate affirmative action at the University of California.

Speaking the Lower Frequencies

Shows how using texts from popular culture in the classroom can help young people to become critical consumers of media without losing the pleasure they derive from it.

Beyond Silenced Voices

Edited by Lois Weis & Michelle Fine
Subjects: Education

A thoroughly revised and updated edition of the classic text. Focuses on the roles of hope, participation, and change in reforming American schools.

Adolescent Lives in Transition

Research on the impact of social class variables on experiences of adolescents as they transition to middle school.

Learning from the Other

How does ethics influence the myriad ways we engage difference within educational settings?

Arts of Living

By Kurt Spellmeyer
Subjects: Education

Argues that higher education needs to abandon the “culture wars” if it hopes to address the major crises of the century.

Fashionable Nihilism

By Bruce Wilshire
Subjects: Education

One of America's foremost philosophers reflects on the discipline and its relation to everyday life.

Art, Alienation, and the Humanities

Illustrates how Marcuse's theory sheds new light on current debates in both education and society involving issues of multiculturalism, postmodernism, civic education, the "culture wars," critical thinking, and critical literacy.

Education and the Soul

By John P. Miller
Subjects: Education

With emphasis on preparing students for jobs, standards, and achievement testing, many think that North American education has become inwardly deadening, yet this book provides a counterbalance as it offers a way to nurture the soul in classrooms and schools.

Beyond Discourse

Drawing on the works of Martin Buber and Mikhail Bakhtin, the author explores the roles that dialogue, laughter, and spontaneity play in the education of the whole person.

The Educational Conversation

This book discusses topics normally excluded from the current educational conversation such as soul, authority, irony, memory, style, luck, privacy, power, and hospitality.

Reading Paulo Freire

This book was written as Paulo Freire himself would have done it, using a method of learning through victories and defeats in the same way one learns in life. The author follows a chronological line in ...

Understanding Curriculum as Racial Text

This book examines issues of identity and difference, both theoretically and as represented in curriculum materials. Here debates over the cultural character of the curriculum are characterized as debates ...

Critical Reasoning in Contemporary Culture

Here we have, for the first time in a single volume, diverse perspectives on the meaning, conditions, and goals of critical reasoning in contemporary culture. Part One emphasizes critical reasoning and ...

The Teacher as Expert

At a time of increasing pressure for teachers to become more professional and more technically competent, this book examines in a critical fashion whether teachers should be considered experts. Written ...

A Legacy of Learning

A Legacy of Learning examines the principal periods in the history of European and American education, beginning in ancient Greece and ending in twentieth-century America. It is a superior textbook for ...

Rebirth of Value

Rebirth of Value takes as its starting-point the emerging scientific view of the universe as a free, unpredictable, self-ordering evolutionary process in which our own cultural history plays a leading ...

John Dewey and the Paradox of Liberal Reform

This book provides a fresh critique of John Dewey and the progressive tradition and warns against the superficial renaissance of Deweyan philosophy present in many of today's modern liberal educational ...

George S. Counts and Charles A. Beard

A thoughtful and thought-provoking conversation, the Counts-Beard correspondence illuminates the issues facing American education today. The correspondence explores the collaboration between them as Counts ...

Education, Modernity, and Fractured Meaning

An indictment of the ideology of modernity, which has resulted in our leading incoherent and fragmented lives, Oliver and Gershman's book explores the profound paradigmatic differences that exist among ...

Academic Rebels in Chile

Many philosophers have been appointed to top-level political positions during Chile's modern history. What makes Chilean philosophers unique in the context of Latin America and beyond, is that they have ...