Health and Medicine

Showing 1-25 of 39 titles.
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Black Women and Resilience

A critical examination of the health disparities and collective resilience of Black women in the United States.

Truth-Seeking in an Age of (Mis)Information Overload

Offers a thorough, multidisciplinary picture of the informational challenges of our media ecosystem, as well as collaborative strategies for addressing them.

Black Feminist Writing

Draws on the rich history of Black feminist writing to help scholars manage the stress of writing and publishing academic books.

A Thousand Worries

Deeply engaging study of how fourteen Black mothers—including the author—support and advocate for their autistic sons.

Chronicling a Crisis

A primary source collection of the local impact of the COVID pandemic on a college community which both records and reflects upon the nature of daily life during a crisis.

Black Women and Public Health

Moves Black women's voices and experiences from the margins to the center of conversations about public health.

LibreTexts Nutrition

This textbook is part of a collection of course materials available to students because of a collaboration between SUNY OER Services and 64 ink™, an imprint of SUNY Press. All of the course materials ...

Elder Care Journey

Combining expert knowledge and first-hand experience, a noted elder care researcher confronts the long-distance care of her own mother.

It Hurts Down There

Tracks the medical emergence and treatment of vulvar pain conditions in order to understand why so many US women are misinformed about their sexual bodies.

The Rise of Global Health

Chronicles the expanding global effort to confront public health challenges.

A Rhetoric of Remnants

Examines the rhetoric in and around the New York State Asylum for Idiots in Syracuse, New York from 1854 to 1884.

Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine

Phenomenological insights into health issues relating to bodily self-experience, normality and deviance, self-alienation, and objectification.

Polio Boulevard

A unique chronicle of childhood polio told with a remarkable blend of provocative reflection, humor, and pluck.

Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care

Explores the end-of-life spiritual needs of people who do not identify with traditional religions.

Religious Understandings of a Good Death in Hospice Palliative Care

Explores how religious understandings of death are experienced in hospice care.

Fighting for Our Health

Insider Richard Kirsch offers a vivid, first-person account of how health care reform came to be.

Transforming Self and Others through Research

Brings the transformative approaches of transpersonal psychology to research in the human sciences and humanities.

Nurse Educators and Politics

Examines how nurse educators shape the political behavior of nurses.

Ottoman Medicine

First work in English devoted to medicine in the Ottoman world.

Measured Meals

Provides an alternative history of nutrition in the U.S. that focuses on the power of scientific language.

My Life at the Gym

Edited by Jo Malin
Subjects: Gender And Sexuality

Personal accounts celebrating the place of exercise in women’s lives—and as the site of women’s community.

Depression and Narrative

Edited by Hilary Clark
Introduction by Hilary Clark
Notes by Hilary Clark
Subjects: Psychology

How the story of depression gets told in print, on screen, and online.

What If Medicine Disappeared?

Argues convincingly, if counterintuitively, that modern medicine has little impact on longevity or mortality.

Solving the Health Care Problem

Examines Australia and Canada to help explain why the United States provides less health care protection than other democratic nations.

Negotiating the Holistic Turn

By Judith Fadlon
Subjects: Sociology

Examines the growing popularity of alternative medicine as a personal health care option.