Critical Theory

Showing 26-50 of 55 titles.
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The Other Side of Pedagogy

Delineates Lacan’s theory of the four discourses as a practical framework through which faculty can reflect on where their students are, developmentally, and where they might go.

Happiness as Enterprise

Examines the contemporary discourse on happiness through the lens of governmentality theory.

Inner Experience

Outlines a mystical theology and experience of the sacred founded on the absence of god.

Redeeming Words

Probing study of how literature can redeem the revelatory, redemptive powers of language.

In the Spirit of Critique

Offers a new perspective on the political significance of the Hegelian dialectical legacy.

Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition

Expanded new edition of a classic examination of the psychological roots of our ecological crisis.

The Idolatry of the Actual

Reinvigorates Jürgen Habermas’ early critical theory.

The American Optic

Brings together critical race theory and psychoanalysis to examine African American and other diasporic African cultural texts.

Africa Writes Back to Self

By Evan M. Mwangi
Subjects: Literature

Explores the metafictional strategies of contemporary African novels rather than characterizing them primarily as a response to colonialism.

Representing Segregation

Examines racial segregation in literature and the cultural legacy of the Jim Crow era.

A World of Fragile Things

Psychoanalytic perspective on what Western philosophers from Socrates to Foucault have called “the art of living.”

Herman Melville and the American Calling

Argues that Herman Melville’s later work anticipates the resurgence of an American exceptionalist ethos underpinning the U. S.-led global “war on terror. ”

Toward a Political Philosophy of Race

Examines how liberal society enables racism and other forms of discrimination.

Reading Ricoeur

Edited by David M. Kaplan
Subjects: Philosophy

Introduces readers to the work of Paul Ricoeur, one of the twentieth century’s leading philosophers.


Examines the role of experience within Adorno’s philosophy of language and epistemology.


Maintains that Lacanian psychoanalysis is the proper continuation of the line of thought from Spinoza to Marx.

Speaking from Elsewhere

By José Medina
Subjects: Philosophy

Develops a contextualist view of identity, agency, and discursive practices.

Democratizing Technology

Edited by Tyler J. Veak
Subjects: Philosophy

The first volume to critically engage the work of Andrew Feenberg.

The Promise of Memory

Argues for a closer connection between memories of injustice and promises of justice as a means to overcome violence.

Aftereffects of Knowledge in Modernity

Examines the relations among knowledge, politics, aesthetics, and individuality.

Rousseau's Counter-Enlightenment

Sees Rousseau as the father of Counter-Enlightenment thought.

Rethinking the Communicative Turn

Assesses linguistic versus aesthetic visions of critical theory and their capacity to contribute to the analysis of contemporary democratic society.

Solidarity and Difference

Transcends the dichotomy between modernism and postmodernism by arguing for an ethically based notion of solidarity tolerant of radical difference.