Public Policy

Showing 126-150 of 216 titles.
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Silencing the Opposition

Edited by Craig R. Smith
Subjects: History

Examines major challenges to the Fist Amendment and focuses on the extremely important paradigm shift of freedom of expression in the post-9/11 era.

Mission Expansion in the Federal Home Loan Bank System

Studies the Federal Home Loan Bank System, how it has changed over time and why

The African Diaspora in the United States and Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century

Offers important new perspectives on the African Diaspora in North America.

Transporting Atlanta

Examines the dynamics of Atlanta’s transportation crisis.

Latinos in Dixie

A look at the Latino experience in the American South using data from Richmond, Virginia.

Getting a Poor Return

Examines competing claims and beliefs about the American legal system in the area of tax policy and tax enforcement.

The Quotable Judge Posner

Collection of quotations and judicial opinions of federal appellate judge Richard A. Posner

Sound-Bite Saboteurs

Argues that the reliance on sound bites in recent political discourse is harmful to the democratic process.

Who Speaks for Hispanics?

Examines the policy stances of two major Hispanic interest groups.

Urban Sprawl, Global Warming, and the Empire of Capital

Argues that the United States refuses to address global warming because of the reliance of the American economy on urban sprawl.

Universal Preschool

Examines recent trends in state-funded preschool education.

Foreign Workers in Israel

Explores how the entry of migrant workers into Israel raises questions beyond just those of the labor market.

The Rising State

Examines how federal and state governments have assumed ever-greater control over the education process since the 1960s.

Environmental Integration

A new and original way of looking at the challenge presented by environmental issues.

Comparative Environmental Regulation in the United States and Russia

Explores how policy actors in the United States and Russia have developed flexible incentive-based instruments for environmental protection.

Constructing the Nation

Philosophers and social theorists of color examine how racism can creep into defensive forms of nationalism.

The Politics of Identity

Makes the surprising claim that identity politics can facilitate rather than undermine worker solidarity.

School Choice Policies and Outcomes

Provides a clear assessment of all sides of the school choice debate.

Jimmy Carter as Educational Policymaker

Analyzes educational reform in the second half of the twentieth century through the political career of Jimmy Carter and his influence on educational policy.

Contemporary American Federalism

Traces the development of the American federal system of government, focusing principally on the shifting balance of powers between the national government and the states.

Follow the Money

Reveals the powerful influence of financial elites on New York City’s mayors.

Living Waters

Fascinating stories based on the author’s exploration of eight rivers in New York and Québec.

Agendas and Decisions

Studies how state-level public executives and managers in Tennessee decide and implement policy.

Business Improvement Districts and the Shape of American Cities

Examines the impact of business improvement districts on the quality of contemporary civic life.

Implementation of Environmental Policies in Developing Countries

Uses Brazil as a case study of how governments implement environmental policies despite urgent needs for economic development.