
Showing 26-50 of 514 titles.
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Returning to Judgment

Explores the importance of political judgment in the work of Bernard Stiegler, and argues his approach to judgment marks an important break with continental political thought.

Feminists Reclaim Mentorship

Feminists revisit their mixed experiences of mentoring and being mentored to reclaim mentorship as a project for new generations.

The Camp Abilities Story

The uplifting story of how one camp gave children with visual impairment new confidence in their own abilities.

Cybersecurity Governance in Latin America

Explores the effects of the cyber revolution for security in the Americas.

Bronx Epitaph

The first book to comprehensively examine Lou Gehrig's famous "Luckiest Man" speech.

Representing Childhood and Atrocity

Edited by Victoria Nesfield & Philip Smith
Subjects: Literature

Examines the ways in which writers and artists have attempted to address children’s experience of atrocity.

The Political Theory of Salvage

Explores the political and theoretical significance of the use of salvaging discarded materials by social movements during their protest activities.

Racism and Resistance

Essays providing a multi-disciplinary look at Derrick Bell's thesis of racial realism.

Making the Public Service Millennial

Examines how the new wave of Generation Y public service employees are affecting the dynamics of continuity and change in public management ethics.

A Double Burden

Explores the delicate interplay between emigration of Jews from Israel to Germany and the construction of a new identity in the shadow of antisemitism both past and present in their new home.

Primary Elections and American Politics

Argues that Progressive Era reforms had the counterintuitive effect of weakening political parties and their role in representative government.

Voices from Death Row, Second Edition

A searing, personal look at conditions on Texas's Death Row—told in the words of the prisoners themselves.

New York's Great Lost Ballparks

Tells the story of New York's playing grounds, teams, and ballparks of yesteryear.

Adventures in Chinese Realism

Relates Chinese Realism to contemporary political and ethical challenges, such as in international relations and the morality of the public sector.

Addiction Recovery and Resilience

Analyzes the tensions and triumphs of a unique, faith-based, addiction recovery organization in a high poverty neighborhood.

Liberating Revolution

Provides a novel conceptual and practical theory of revolution, engaging previous theories of revolution, contemporary continental philosophy, and systems theory.

The Letchworth State Park Atlas

A visitor's companion to New York's Letchworth State Park, richly illustrated with ninety maps and thirty-five photographs.

Bitter Harvest

Explores the duality between humans and Earth through a focus on the economic system changes that began with grain agriculture and has now reached its apogee in global capitalism.

Resist, Organize, Build

Juxtaposes feminist and queer activism in Britain and the United States in the face of resurgent conservatism during the 1980s.

Democracy at the Ballpark

Examines how the national pastime of baseball has the capacity to shape politics and American democracy.

Playing Games in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America

Illuminates the ways games—from baseball cards to board games, charades to boxing, and croquet to strategies of war—were integral to nineteenth-century life and culture in the United States and Britain.

Much Sound and Fury, or the New Jim Crow?

Edited by Michael A. Smith
Subjects: Politics And Law

Intensive look at restrictive new voting laws ostensibly designed to target voter fraud but criticized as being racially-based voter suppression.

Christianity and Politics in Tribal India

Chronicles the astonishing and counterintuitive spread of Christianity among a group of previously isolated tribes in a remote and hilly part of Northeastern India.

The Cultural Power of Personal Objects

Edited by Jared Kemling
Subjects: Philosophy

Historical and theoretical discussions that describe and reflect on personal objects from a variety of perspectives.

Capitalism for All

Demonstrates that a true liberal capitalism has the capacity to enable personal well-being while dealing with new challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and automation.