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Borrowed Lives

Borrowed Lives is a novel. It is an enactment of issues of literary philosophy and criticism, including the question of whether there can be originality, coherence, and authenticity in life and art. It ...

Aristotelian Logic

This book provides detailed treatment of topics in traditional logic: the theory of terms; the theory of definition; the informal fallacies; and division and classification.

Aristotelian Logic teaches ...

The Idea of Difficulty in Literature

This book redefines the nature of textual difficulty in literature and shows the implications of the new definition for teachers at all levels of education. Contrary to the traditional use of grade levels ...

Education Policy Implementation

This supplemental text for educational policy, administration, and program evaluation courses provides a framework for examining the following crucial questions. To what extent have state and federal ...

Ethics of Tibet

One of the great contributions of Tibetan Buddhism to the Buddhist tradition as a whole, and one of the things that distinguishes it from the Mahayana traditions that developed via China, has been the ...

The Ludic Self in Seventeenth-Century English Literature

This book argues that play offered Hamlet, John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, Robert Burton, and Sir Thomas Browne a way to live within the contradictions and conflicts of late Renaissance life ...

When Prophets Die

When the charismatic founder/leader of a religious movement dies, the popular belief is that the movement usually disintegrates. However, many new religions not only survive but prosper, despite leadership ...

Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People

Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People explores Maimonides' philosophical psychology, his ethics, his views on prophecy, providence, and immortality, his understanding of the place of gentiles in ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 3

This volume continues the stories of the Israelite patriarchs and prophets who figured in Volume II, as well as of the semi-mythical rulers of ancient Iran. In addition to biblical, Qur'anic, and legendary ...

The Ignorant Perfection of Ordinary People

This book examines how the spiritual longings of ordinary people have shaped the most progressive political and cultural movements of the twentieth century and given birth to a new postmodern perspective ...

Two Studies in the Early Academy

This book presents two new interpretations of the evidence regarding the metaphysical ideas of two important figures in Plato's Academy, Eudoxus and Speusippus, and of Aristotle's reaction to those ideas. ...

Communal Webs

This book brings together insights derived from a detailed exploration of Israeli cultural patterns of communication, highlighting their role in the processes of culture formation, maintenance, and change. ...

Education and Women's Work

This book examines the transformations in women's work and education and assesses their effects on women from different social and cultural backgrounds.

Integrating Research on Teaching and Learning Mathematics

During the last decade there were significant advances in the study of students' learning and problem solving in mathematics, and in the study of classroom instruction. Because these two research programs ...

Merleau-Ponty Vivant

Situates Merleau-Ponty’s thinking in the last decade of the twentieth century, both with regard to general context and specific themes.

Dialogical Philosophy from Kierkegaard to Buber

This book introduces American readers to a philosophical and spiritual exemplar of dialogue. The author presents a way of thinking about ourselves, the world, and our relationship to God that is neither ...

Landholding and Commercial Agriculture in the Middle East

This book traces the evolution of Ottoman agriculture from commercialization of the rural peasant households into global networks of production and trade. It re-evaluates the significance attached to ...

Religious Regimes and State Formation

This book intends to systematically overcome the received practice of treating religion and politics as wholly separate and independent domains. It studies power and meaning in their "antagonistic interdependencies" ...


This book examines the complete Ganesh for the first time. Here is the God in his multiple forms from the different geographical areas in Asia. Particularly important are chapters that deal with his Buddhist ...

American Enterprise in Japan

This book describes how American and Japanese management ideologies meet, collide, and contend in the process of competitive cooperation during a joint venture in Japan. In a detailed case study, Hamada ...

Tradition, Innovation, Conflict

This book examines religion in Israeli society: what it is and how it functions. Here is a clear picture of how Judaism provides a matrix of continuity for Israeli society notwithstanding a wide diversity ...


Manaus, an urban-industrial center in the Amazon, serves in this book as a microcosmic case of dependent capitalist development in Latin America. With the creation of a Free Trade Zone and a strong program ...

Evil Revisited

Griffin responds to critiques of his earlier work God, Power, and Evil: A Process Theodicy.