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The Literary Absolute

The first authoritative study of the emergence of the modern concept of literature in German romanticism.

Hegel: Faith and Knowledge

By G.W.F. Hegel
Edited and translated by H. S. Harris & Walter Cerf
Subjects: Philosophy

As the title indicates, Faith and Knowledge deals with the relation between religious faith and cognitive beliefs, between the truth of religion and the truths of philosophy and science. Hegel is guided ...

The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy

By G.W.F. Hegel
Edited and translated by Walter Cerf & H. S. Harris
Subjects: Philosophy

In this essay, Hegel attempted to show how Fichte’s Science of Knowledge was an advance from the position of Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason, and how Schelling (and incidentally Hegel himself) had made a further advance from the position of Fichte.

Changing Our Minds

What happens when traditionally-trained academics begin to reconsider their disciplines in light of recent feminist scholarship? This book was written by academics outside Women's Studies programs who ...

Plato's Theory of Explanation

Here is the question: what constitutes a good explanation of phenomena? Whereas true being (forms) can be known through dialectic, concrete phenomena can only be explained. An explanation is verisimilar ...

New York State in the Year 2000

This book looks resolutely to the future by analyzing key trends likely to shape New York State as it enters the 21st century. It examines critical and emerging issues and assesses the strengths and weaknesses ...

The Experience of Hinduism

This book presents multi-faceted images of religious experience in the Marathi-speaking region of India. In addition to Irawati Karve's classic, "On the Road," about her pilgrimage to Pandharpur, there ...

Passionate Women, Passive Men

Suicide is always a controversial issue. Among Jews, it is often taboo. Stereotypically, Jews do not commit suicide; certainly, they do not discuss it. Passionate Women, Passive Men: Suicide in Yiddish ...

Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution

In addition to the apocalyptic prospect of global nuclear destruction, there are other dismal scenarios involving resource and environmental issues that are less imminent but still serious in the long ...

Pushing the Limits

By providing new understanding and insights into the backgrounds and experiences of women pursuing administrative careers in education, Pushing the Limits fills a critical void in the existing literature. ...

Psychosis and Sexual Identity

This book examines Freud's most famous case study with newly discovered material written by Schreber and photos of significant persons in Schreber's life.

The Managerial Imperative and the Practice of Leadership in Schools

With this significant new work, Larry Cuban provides a unique and insightful perspective on the bridging of the long-standing and well-known gap between teachers and administrators. Drawing on the literature ...

The Adventure of Self-Discovery

Here Grof presents a useful model of the psyche—a model extended by his thirty years of studying non-ordinary states of consciousness. It is useful for understanding such phenomena as shamanism, mysticism, ...

Studies in Religious Fundamentalism

This book examines the specific circumstances that nurture fundamentalist beliefs and practices. It studies contemporary fundamentalist developments in several continents, involving groups associated ...

A Living Tree

This book examines biblical and rabbinic law as a coherent, continuing legal tradition. It explains the relationship between religion and law and the interaction between law and morality. Abundant selections ...


The author begins by distinguishing six fundamental issues on the metaphysics of individuality. He then proceeds to examine the relation among these issues and to demonstrate that ignorance of the interrelationships ...

Refugees of a Hidden War

Political violence and military repression have displaced some two million people in Central America in the 1980s. While conflict elsewhere in Central America has received considerable attention, the ...

The Heart Sūtra Explained

Renowned for its terse declaration of the perfection of wisdom, the Heart Sutra is the most famous of Buddhist scriptures. The author draws on previously unexamined commentaries, preserved only in Tibetan, ...

Black Presidential Politics in America

This book focuses exclusively on the question of how Blacks have used presidential elections to exercise political influence. Setting forth the argument that Blacks use the electoral system differently ...

Plato, Time, and Education

Edited by Brian P. Hendley
Subjects: Philosophy

This collection of original essays pays tribute to the man by exploring topics that have interested him through a long and productive career. Plato's mathematical imagery, his theory of perception, the ...

Dependency Syntax

This work presents the first sustained examination of Dependency Syntax. In clear and stimulating analyses Mel'cuk promotes syntactic description in terms of dependency rather than in terms of more familiar ...

Remembrance of Patria

An essential guide to the history, culture, and social life of New Netherland.

Friedrich Hölderlin

Edited and translated by Thomas Pfau
Subjects: Philosophy

Hölderlin's essays and letters constitute essential documents for an understanding of the transitional period from neo-classical poetics to what can only be characterized as a unique and, in its frequently ...

The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia

The first wide-scale presentation of a major Jewish mystic, the founder of the ecstatic Kabbalah.