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Faith and the Professions

Thomas L. Shaffer argues that the morals of modern American lawyers and doctors have been corrupted by misguided professionalism and weak philosophy. He shows that professional codes exalt vocational ...

The Worth of Women's Work

Many common assumptions about work are challenged in this book. For example, the findings refute the common assertion that work tasks can be categorized into '"instrumental," or task activities, versus ...

Modern Indian Responses to Religious Pluralism

Edited by Harold Coward
Subjects: Asian Studies

The study of modern Indian responses to the challenge of pluralism reveals the outcome of 2500 years of experience in this "living laboratory" of religious encounter, and offers wisdom to the modern West ...

American Automobile Workers, 1900-1933

This book is a comprehensive history of automobile workers in the pre-union era. It covers changes in the kinds of workers who staffed the auto factories, developments in the labor process and in overall ...

Work Orientation and Job Performance

With critical attention focused on education, and the teaching profession itself under close scrutiny by federal, state, and local officials and governing boards, a heightened sense of the need to attract ...

Principles of Deductive Logic

Clear focus on its application of formal logic to ordinary English is the most distinctive feature of this textbook for the introductory course in deductive logic. Great care is taken with the appropriate ...

The Doctrine of Vibration

Cutting across distinctions of schools and types, the author explains the central feature of Kashmir Shaivism: the creative pulse of the all pervasive Consciousness called SAiva. This is also the central theme of the Hindu Tantras, and Dyczkowski provides new insight into the most literate and extensive interpretations of the Tantras.

Mirror of the Intellect

Titus Burckhardt was Swiss and an eminent member of the traditionalist school. He is perhaps best known to the English-speaking public as the author of the following books: Sacred Art in East and West; ...

The Dilemma of Modernity

The development of modern culture along subjectivist lines has led to an analogue of psychological narcissism—to philosophical narcissism—in the culture. The intrinsic value of human cultural activity ...

Thinking Through Confucius

Thinking Through Confucius critically interprets the conceptual structure underlying Confucius' philosophical reflections. It also investigates "thinking," or "philosophy" from the perspective of Confucius. ...

The Grant System

In the past thirty years, the giving and receiving of grants has grown from a small, loosely organized club involving a few elite institutions and a few million dollars to a massive system accounting ...

Critical and Dialectical Phenomenology

Critical and Dialectical Phenomenology shows how continental philosophy is currently practiced in the United States.

The Puritan Smile

This book develops a contemporary metaphysics of morals. Currently the liberal tradition defines the field of moral and political theory. It contains the popular utilitarian, the deontological, and the ...

Victorian Childhood

This book presents a broad range of original data on childhood in Victorian Britain. It combines a social science approach to data with historical context, resulting in a highly readable account based ...

An Integrated Theory of Autosegmental Processes

This volume resolves an inconsistency that has arisen in the autosegmental theory of phonology and morphology - some versions of this theory allow a single distinctive feature to be duplicated on more ...

Philosophy in Process

The intellectual diary of one of the greatest modern metaphysicians. Covers April 15, 1984 through January 18, 1986.


It is the thought of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan that is most often presented in the West as "Hinduism. " He was a remarkable man. In addition to having been President of India while Nehru was Prime Minister, ...

Spinoza and Moral Freedom

Spinoza and Moral Freedom guides the reader through Spinoza's principal ideas and powerful lines of reasoning, clearing up obscurities along the way, while acknowledging the genuine difficulties and gaps. ...

Like All the Nations?

This is the first study to examine the career of one of the most prominent American Zionists. Intellectually brilliant, socially and religiously committed, Judah Magnes was an inspiring speaker, reformer, ...

The Last Maharani of Gwalior

This is a description of contemporary India and some of its recent history in the form of an autobiography. Rajmata Scindia is a member of the Indian Parliament. As a maharani she had thousands of servants ...

Black Political Mobilization, Leadership, Power and Mass Behavior

Black Political Mobilization accounts for the political success of black Americans in the South. Minion Morrison returns to Mississippi, the center of much of the political activism of the 1960s, to analyze ...

Plato on Justice and Power

Most commentaries on the Republic rush through Book I with embarrassment because the arguments of the participants, including Socrates, are specious. Beginning with Book II, the arguments are brilliant, ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 18

This volume presents for the first time in English Ṭabarī's complete account of the twenty-year long reign of the fifth caliph, Muʿāwiyah (661-680). The importance of this account lies partly in ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 4

In this volume Ṭabarī takes up the history of the ancient world, focusing on the Iranians and the Israelites after the time of Solomon. He establishes a comparative chronology between the two nations; ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 7

The contents of this volume are extremely significant: The specific events in this earliest period set precedents for what later became established Islamic practice. The book deals with the history of ...