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An Ocean Without Shore

An Ocean Without Shore is a study of Ibn Arabi, known in Islam as al-Shaykh al-Akbar, the Greatest Spiritual Master. In the introduction, Chodkiewicz provides a good deal of documentation for the often ...

The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace

This book shows how significant a worldwide constitutional framework can be, both analytically and politically, in efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace. The authors are careful to avoid the pitfalls ...

Eternity and Time's Flow

Neville returns eternity to the center of consideration by analyzing the obsessive culture that attempts to get along denying it; and he analyzes the nature of time's flow itself, the nature of divine ...

Educational Administration in a Pluralistic Society

In this bold, provocative supplemental text for the field of educational administration, Colleen Capper and contributors challenge administrators, policymakers, practitioners, and communities to confront ...

The Midrashic Imagination

Edited by Michael Fishbane
Subjects: Jewish Studies

This innovative and original book examines the broad range of Jewish interpretation from antiquity through the medieval and renaissance periods. Its primary focus is on Midrash and midrashic creativity, ...

Way, Learning, and Politics

The emergence of New Confucian Humanism as a major intellectual and spiritual tradition in the Chinese cultural area since the Second World War is a phenomenon vitally important and intriguing to students ...

At-Risk Students

This book explores the circumstances of at-risk students and argues that well-intentioned policymakers and educators run the risk of making matters worse rather than better for these students, even if ...

The Footprints of God

This book traces one exegetical, interpretative principal, divine accommodation, in Jewish and Christian thought from the first to the nineteenth century. The focus is upon major figures and the place ...

Ideology and False Consciousness

In this book Christopher Pines demonstrates that Karl Marx conceived of ideology as false consciousness. He shows how the different meanings of false consciousness found in the writings of Marx and Engels ...

Urban Social Movements in Jerusalem

Hasson explores the development of eight urban protest organizations in Israel, revealing how social deprivation is transformed into organized patterns of activity. To investigate how and why urban movements ...

The Dream and the Text

This book partakes of a long tradition of dream interpretation, but, at the same time, is unique in its cross-cultural and interdisciplinary methods and in its mix of theoretical and analytical approaches. ...

Nursing and Health Care for the Homeless

The lack of shelter creates many health hazards for the homeless and the lack of regular health care exacerbates chronic illnesses and fosters poor health practices within this group. Homeless children ...

The Triumphal Sun

This is a book on Rumi's life, his poetry, his thought, and his influence. Rumi's work forms one of the pillars of the Sufi orders, particularly the Mevlevi order, better known in the West as the Whirling ...

An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines

This is the only book to deal with classical Islamic cosmology as it was formulated by the Ikhwan al-S'afa al Biruni and Ibn Sina during the tenth and eleventh centuries. These figures influenced all ...

German Mysticism From Hildegard of Bingen to Ludwig Wittgenstein

This book offers the reader an introduction to the writings of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Tauler, Nicholas of Cusa, Paracelsus, Jacob Boehme, Angelus Silesius, Novalis and includes the more ...

Interpretation and Explanation in the Human Sciences

Henderson examines the foundations of an analytic social science approach to develop a well-integrated account of the human sciences, focusing on the pivotal notions of interpretation and explanation. ...

Unfolding A Mạṇdala

Ellora is one of the great cave temple sites of India, with thirty-four major Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain monuments of the late sixth to tenth centuries A. D. This book describes the Buddhist caves at Ellora ...

Gender, Time, and Reduced Work

This book compares and analyzes different forms of reduced work: conventional part-time employment, temporary employment, job sharing, and work sharing. Through interviews, workers reveal their experiences ...

Mysticism Examined

Mysticism presents a challenge to anyone who is interested in fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, and how we should live. In this book the author examines questions posed by ...

Democracy, Education, and Governance

The restructuring of school governance, especially in urban school districts, is fundamental in current educational reform. This book provides a model of school governance based upon participatory democracy, ...

Of the Sublime: Presence in Question

Today, the sublime has again become the focus of sustained reconsideration, but now for its epistemological and ontological—or presentational—aspects. As an unmasterable excess of beauty, the sublime ...

Postmodern Politics for a Planet in Crisis

Argues that the planetary crisis, which has been produced by modernity, demands a postmodern politics.

The Garden as an Art

By Mara Miller
Subjects: Philosophy

In this book Miller challenges contemporary aesthetic theory to include gardens in an expanded definition of art. She provides a radical critique of three central tenets within current intellectual debate: ...

Performance versus Results

This study examines the consequences of cultural development on the emergence of contemporary sport. The current preoccupation with statistics and reductionist theories has objectified athletic performance ...