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Varieties of Postmodern Theology

Sorts out the confusion created by the use of the term “postmodern” in relation to widely divergent theological positions.

Academic Rebels in Chile

Many philosophers have been appointed to top-level political positions during Chile's modern history. What makes Chilean philosophers unique in the context of Latin America and beyond, is that they have ...

Margins of Political Discourse

"Margins of political discourse" are those border zones where paradigms intersect and where issues of order and disorder, meaning and non-meaning must be continually renegotiated.

Our age is marked by ...

Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle

Schools have been traditionally defined as institutions of instruction, but the authors of this volume challenge that position in order to generate a new set of cultural categories and constructs through ...

Liberty, Property, and Government

This book examines the constitutional protection of economic rights through the nineteenth century and the first three decades of the twentieth.

The authors grapple with such questions as: how should ...

Dialectic of Salvation

This book provides a detailed examination of the central philosophical and theological themes of liberation theology. It covers the role of history and praxis, the dialectics of salvation and liberation, the concept of social and personal sin, Marxism, and the anthropology of concrete totality as the basis of theology.

Complementation and Case Grammar

This book offers a new and compendious account of important verbal patterns in present-day English. Serving as a central source of data, it updates and refines earlier research contributing to the syntactic ...

Dialogue and Deconstruction

Text of and reflection on the 1981 encounter between Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jacques Derrida, which featured a dialogue between hermeneutics in Germany and post-structuralism in France.

Entering the Circle

Entering the Circle addresses the practical and methodological aspects of research within the interpretive or hermeneutic perspective. It contains descriptions of exemplary interpretive research projects ...

Pedagogy, Printing and Protestantism

Using Foucault's history of discourse, this book examines the relationship between the invention of the printing press and the evolution of concepts regarding childhood and schooling. It is an interdisciplinary ...

Religion and Aging in the Indian Tradition

The manner of aging is a cultural construct and there is a specifically Indian way of aging. That way is shown in this book through the anlyses of key concepts--aging (jara), stages of life (asarama), ...

The Resource Room

There are few comprehensive textbooks available to special educators responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring resource room programs. McNamara's book fills this void by providing teachers ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 22

This volume chronicles the history of the Islamic state in the years A. H. 74-81 (A. D. 693-701), after the final defeat of Ibn al-Zubayr in Mecca put an end to twelve years of civil war and reunited ...

The Question of the Other

The core source of this book is the work of Emmanuel Levinas. Beginning with a chapter on speaking and the other, three lead chapters focus on Levinas' account of the face of the other. These chapters ...

From Menarche to Menopause

While menopause is a universal fact of life, the physiological and psychological effects for women are not the same in all cultures. In this comparative and cross-cultural ethnographic study, Beyene examines ...

Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy

"Philosophy," wrote Wittgenstein, "simply puts everything before us, and neither explains nor deduces anything. "

Hanfling takes seriously Wittgenstein's declaration of what he was doing, emphasizing Wittgenstein's ...

The Sufi Path of Knowledge

Ibn al-'Arabi is still known as "the Great Sheik" among the surviving Sufi orders. Born in Muslim Spain, he has become famous in the West as the greatest mystical thinker of Islamic civilization. He was ...

Theoretical Perspectives on Native American Languages

American linguistics has a tradition of finding unique and important insights from studies of Native American languages, often leading to innovations in current theories. At the same time, research on ...

Philosophy and Literature in Latin America

Philosophy and Literature in Latin America presents a unique and original view of the current state of development in Latin America of two disciplines that are at the core of the humanities. Divided into ...

The Politics of Knowledge

In this book the author examines the question of the compatibility of politics, policy-making, and professional work. Based on nineteen case studies of organizations, Hoffman looks at "what happened" ...

Informal Lectures on Formal Semantics

This book is an introduction to the current developments in model-theoretic semantics, which has become an essential part of the work in theoretical linguistics over the last decade. The author examines ...