Politics and Law

Showing 701-725 of 824 titles.
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Zones of Peace in the Third World

Provides a critique and an extention of the "democratic peace" theory by focusing on the regional level and by offering alternative explanations for the maintenance of democratic and non-democratic "zones of peace. "

Democracy and Ethnography

Examines the contemporary connections between liberal democracy and ethnography through the development of national case studies on the United States and Spain.

Transformational Politics

Argues that traditional political science is failing to identify and address fundamental political phenomena of our time and proposes an alternative value-based political science.

Collective Conflict Management and Changing World Politics

Examines the prospects for collective management of international conflict, identifying the international and domestic conditions under which it will and will not tend to work and exploring whether the end of the Cold War will make its success more or less likely than before.

Specters of Liberation

Advocates a new existential and political coalition among critical and postmodern social theorists and among critical gender, race, and class theorists, in dissent from the New World Order, to raise specters of liberation and empower radical democratic change.

Socrates' Education to Virtue

Argues that Plato's dialogues contain a surprisingly neglected account of Socrates' education about the love of noble virtue and that recovering this education could help broaden and deepen liberalism's moral and political horizon.

Speech and Political Practice

Argues that rebuilding ethical communities will require a cultural reorientation from visually dominated to oral/aural experience and develops a speech-based conception of moral place that can set limits on the actions of individuals and communities.

Power and Ideas

The first comprehensive political-science treatment of the global politics and diplomacy of intellectual property and antitrust, with focus on relations between developing and industrialized countries.

The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Addresses the inter-Arab dimension of Middle East politics and its impact on the Palestinian conflict.

The Day After Reform

Utilizing surveys, reports, and interviews, looks at the states to see how campaign finance reforms have worked out in fact, after organizations have had a chance to adapt to them.

Democracy and the Policy Sciences

Examines how a more democratic, participatory policy analysis could be conceptualized in theory and administered in practice.

Our Elusive Constitution

This volume explores the relationship between religion and politics. It brings a varied sample of richly detailed comparative and case studies together with a set of analytical paradigms in an integrated ...

Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism

This book draws mutually enlightening parallels between controversial themes in contemporary feminist thought and Hegel's political philosophy. Jeffrey A. Gauthier argues that feminism can gainfully employ ...

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Tells the story (in the participants' own words) of how a determined southern filibuster was turned back in the U. S. Senate and the 1964 Civil Rights Act made into law.

Wrongness, Wisdom, and Wilderness

Defends a libertarian social ethic that can support government action in pursuit of social goals and offers a new perspective on the relationship between social ethics, personal ethics, and environmental ethics.

Presidents and Foreign Policy

Examines ten important and controversial U. S. presidential foreign policy decisions in the post-World War II period, including one major controversy for each president from Truman to Clinton.

Flashpoints in Environmental Policymaking

Presents alternative and often opposing viewpoints on the major national and international environmental controversies that will be with us well into the twenty-first century.

Conversations with Educational Leaders

Educational leaders speak out in their own words--stimulating, accessible, provocative--on contemporary and controversial topics that range from differing attitudes on diversity to the debate over character education to arguments about education reform.

Global Convulsions

Addresses issues concerning race, ethnicity, and nationlism in both their domestic and international dimension.

Global Civil Society and Global Environmental Governance

Explores the growing role of global civil society and local environmental activism in the management and protection of the environment worldwide.

Taking Suffering Seriously

Examines the evolution of collective human rights in international relations and argues that the concept of human rights must integrate group rights based on race/ethnicity, gender, class, and sexuality.

The Politics of Expertise in Congress

Examines the relationship between technical experts and elected officials, challenging the prevailing view about how experts become politicized by the policy process.

Creative Individualism

Constructs a cohesive picture of political theorist C. B. Macpherson's democratic vision, arguing that Macpherson's central message regarding the economic prerequisites of democracy is just as relevant today as when he first presented it.

Recent Marxian Theory

Brings together prominent recent analyses within the Marxist tradition that bear on class formation and social conflict in contemporary capitalism and concludes that class relations continue to be important for analyzing the historical trajectory of, and challenges to, capitalism, although not in the way Marx imagined.

Putting Choice Before Democracy

Shows how rational choice theory's critique and justification of democracy fails in its project to recast democratic theory.