Political Science

Showing 226-250 of 260 titles.
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The Politics of Expertise in Congress

Examines the relationship between technical experts and elected officials, challenging the prevailing view about how experts become politicized by the policy process.

Creative Individualism

Constructs a cohesive picture of political theorist C. B. Macpherson's democratic vision, arguing that Macpherson's central message regarding the economic prerequisites of democracy is just as relevant today as when he first presented it.

Putting Choice Before Democracy

Shows how rational choice theory's critique and justification of democracy fails in its project to recast democratic theory.

Children in Court

Through an analysis of Supreme Court and lower court decisions over the last several decades, this book determines the extent to which the federal courts have affected the legal, political, economic, and social status of children in the U. S.

Staking Out the Terrain

An original approach to the study of bureaucratic behavior that formulates a model of agency power supported by analysis of seven federal natural resource agencies.

Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era

This book convincingly demonstrates that racism continues to exist in contemporary American society twenty-five years after the civil rights revolution.

Daughters of Palestine

Based on interviews with 35 women leaders, this is the first study of women's involvement in the Palestinian National Movement from the revolution in the mid-1960s to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process in the 1990s.

Removing College Price Barriers

Presents the political, economic, and demographic factors that interact to produce and perpetuate increasing college price barriers.

Immigrants and Nationalists

In this empirical and theoretical study of nationalism, ethnicity, and immigration, the author compares the reception of large numbers of immigrants in Catalonia, the Basque country, Latvia, and Estonia--developed regions that possess distinct cultures and nationalist movements.

Ecological Resistance Movements

Ecological resistance movements are proliferating around the world. Some are explicitly radical in their ideas and militant in their tactics while others have emerged from a variety of social movements ...

The State, Society, and Limited Nuclear War

This is an examination of the extent to which nuclear weapons policy has been democratically controlled, showing that a policy elite insulated from society eventually lost its autonomy.

Theorizing Citizenship

This is an anthology of essays on citizenship by such well-known theorists as Habermas, Walzer, Flathman, Iris Marion Young, MacIntyre, Ignatieff, and George Armstrong Kelly.

Overcoming Obstacles in Environmental Policymaking

This book examines why policies and laws intended to protect the environment often do not work. In particular, Gamman addresses the fundamental reasons why efforts to protect natural resources in the ...

Tocqueville's Civil Religion

Sanford Kessler offers a provocative and timely analysis of Alexis de Tocqueville's views on the relationship between Christianity and American democracy. These views are central to Tocqueville's discussions ...

Real Security

With the end of the Cold War and the extraordinary military competition that characterized it, the meaning of national security is being redefined. This book participates in that task by proposing a new, ...

Postmodern Politics for a Planet in Crisis

Argues that the planetary crisis, which has been produced by modernity, demands a postmodern politics.

The United States and the Middle East

This book advances a critical analysis of U. S. Middle East policy and offers alternative perspectives. It highlights areas of policy shortcomings in the wake of ongoing global and domestic changes and ...

Politics and Public Policy in Hawai'i

Hawai'i is of special interest as a state because its history differs so greatly from that of the other United States and because its social and political institutions are unique. It is, for example, ...

Political Culture and Foreign Policy in Latin America

This book explores the impact of Latin America's political culture on the international politics of the region. It offers a general account of traditional Iberian political culture while examining how ...

Liberty and Community

This book examines the competing visions of liberty and community in Canada. Focusing attention on constitutional debate in Ontario after the Confederation of 1867, the author shows how the defenders ...

Wykked Wyves and the Woes of Marriage

Analysis of the literature demonstrates a link between the growing secularism and careerism of the late middle ages and the reduction of women’s social status and public options.

The Death of Industrial Civilization

The Death of Industrial Civilization explains how the contemporary ecological crisis within industrial society is caused by the values inherent in unlimited economic growth and competitive materialism. ...

Holistic Health and Biomedical Medicine

Holistic Health and Biomedical Medicine outlines a new framework for social science research. Illustrated in an analysis of the American health care system, Lyng presents an empirical study of the relationship ...