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God the Creator

God the Creator provides a detailed exposition of a conception of God as the creator of everything determinate. It does not defend an established conception such as the Thomist, the Calvinist, or the ...

Art of the Bedchamber

This is the first comprehensive anthology of the Chinese sexology classics, the world's oldest and most advanced tradition of sexual yoga. While remaining accessible to the general reader, the translation ...

Morphology Now

Several distinct general linguistic theories are represented here: autolexical theory, categorial grammar, functional grammar, and government and binding syntax. Each essay in this book is centered around ...

The Battered Woman and Shelters

Explores how standardized images of problems and people inform and shape social services for women who have been assaulted.

Women in Engineering

Who are the women who became engineers in the 1970s and 1980s?

How have they fared in the most male-dominated profession in America? This is the first book to answer these questions. It explores the backgrounds, ...

Elementary Schooling for Critical Democracy

This book examines the way in which elementary schooling can be used as a means to encourage critical democracy in the United States. It focuses primarily on the dialectical tensions and issues that emerge ...

Reading Old Friends

Reading Old Friends includes essays, reviews, and poems on poetics. Matthias, who has spent much time in England, concentrates on British poetry ranging from late modernist figures such as David Jones ...

The Banalization of Nihilism

After a historical and conceptual overview of the changing face of nihilism in the last century, Carr examines Nietzsche's diagnosis of nihilism as modernity's major crisis. She then compares the responses ...

Conscience First, Tradition Second

For this study of American religion, the author surveyed over 2000 Catholic high school seniors during a fourteen-year period, exploring changes in religiosity and attitudes toward the recent teachings ...

Toward a New Science of Educational Testing and Assessment

The authors of this book question the assumptions of the psychometric paradigm that underlie virtually all criterion-referenced and standardized tests used in North American schools. They make a compelling ...

Physical Appearance and Gender

This book examines two kinds of research, research in social psychology and in clinical psychology, into the effects of physical appearance on person perception. Both are explored with the objective of ...

The Books of Contemplation

The earliest medieval Jewish mystical writings, or kabbalah, date from the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. This is the first book to focus on the most prodigious group active at that time—the ...

Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic

Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic assembles thirteen essays on the intersection of Bakhtin's narrative theory, especially his concept of dialogism. The book explores the dimensions of using Bakhtin ...

The Collaborative Construction of Pretend

The Collaborative Construction of Pretend explores the origins and development of social pretend play in children. It begins with the infant's first attempts to play pretend with an adult; discusses the ...

Inside Nursing

By exploring and analyzing the experiences and impressions of nurses, Annette Fay Street provides an intimate account of clinical practice and what those experiences mean in the profession. She highlights ...

A Thousand Teachings

Edited and translated by Sengaku Mayeda & John M. Koller
Subjects: Asian Studies

This is the best introduction to Vedanta and to Śaṅkara's philosophy. The Upadeśasāhasrī, or A Thousand Teachings consists of a metrical part and a prose part. In the metrical part, Sankara discusses ...

Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender

This book explores historical, textual, and social questions relating to the position and experience of women and gay people in the Buddhist world from India and Tibet to Sri Lanka, China, and Japan. ...

Health Care Politics, Policy, and Distributive Justice

This book describes and evaluates power and influence in the creation, administration, and distribution of health care in the United States. His work is uniquely concerned with distributive justice as ...

Law as Metaphor

This book explains the growth of secular law in a Middle East nation, revealing it to be the product of elite competition over control of the state, a competition the secular elites won in Turkey when ...

The Resilience of Christianity in the Modern World

This book develops a theoretical framework for understanding the popularity of religion in its particular social contexts. The author provides analyses of examples of "religious renaissance," such as ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 12

The present volume of the History of al-Ṭabarī deals with the years 14 and 15 of the Islamic era, which correspond to A.D. 635-637. The nascent Islamic state had just emerged victorious from the crisis ...

Social Studies in Schools

This supplemental text is an historical account of the beginning years of the social studies. Using the 1916 Social Studies report as a base, the book outlines the issues, contexts, and individuals that ...

The Tao of the Tao Te Ching

In this new translation and commentary, LaFargue interprets the concept of "Tao" in the Tao Te Ching as a spiritual state of mind cultivated in a particular school in ancient China‚ a state of mind ...