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Holistic Health and Biomedical Medicine

Holistic Health and Biomedical Medicine outlines a new framework for social science research. Illustrated in an analysis of the American health care system, Lyng presents an empirical study of the relationship ...

Organizational Membership

This book tells why people want to feel like members of work organizations, and why doing so is difficult. Using case examples, it presents a psychoanalytic perspective on organizational entry and the ...

Computers, Cognition, and Writing Instruction

Marjorie Montague provides both the philosophical and theoretical background for research in computer-assisted composition, as well as a comprehensive review and synthesis of the efficacy research in ...

Religious Resurgence and Politics in the Contemporary World

This book examines the highly politicized religious groups and movements that have surfaced since the late 1970s in the United States, Central America, South Africa, the Philippines, India, and the Middle ...

Body of Knowledge

This book introduces readers to the many facets of body/mind psychology such as its history and its basis in physiological processes; the framework of its theories and models; its clinical application ...

Satanstoe, or the Littlepage Manuscripts

Though Satanstoe has been too much neglected by readers of Cooper's time and ours, it is one of his most interesting books, combining nostalgic autobiographical recollections, pictures of manners, action ...

The Philosophy of Sādhanā

After presenting a general survey of spiritual practice in the different schools of Indian philosophy, the author focuses on the Trika School, popularly called Kashmir Shaivism. He deals clearly and exhaustively ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 29

This volume opens when the caliph al-Manṣūr has just defeated the rebellion of Muḥammad the Pure Soul in 145/762-3 and is now securely established in power. The main concerns of the remaining thirteen ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 35

The period covered in this volume is one of the most tumultuous periods of Islamic history. In it, al-Ṭabarī details with great success the intricate events that shaped real political power in Sāmarrā ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 27

By 735 an Arab empire stretched from Arles and Avignon in southern France to the Indus River and Central Asia, and a vital young civilization fostered by a new world religion was taking root. Yet the ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 38

The concluding pages of al-Ṭabarī's History cover the caliphates of al-Muʿtaḍid and al-Muktafī and the beginning of the reign of al-Muqtadir--altogether a period of 23 turbulent years in world history. ...

Philosophy of Science and the Occult

Edited by Patrick Grim
Subjects: Philosophy
Series: SUNY series in Philosophy

This book both introduces the philosophy of science through examination of the occult and examines the occult rigorously enough to raise central issues in the philosophy of science. Placed in the context ...

Revelations of Self

Edited by Lois J. Fowler & David H. Fowler
Subjects: Literature

These autobiographies illustrate the emergence of American women from their traditional position of dependence and legal and social inequality. Here are five women of the nineteenth and early twentieth ...

Popular Religion and Liberation

Liberation theologians either argue for the liberating character of popular religion or they vilify it as alienating and otherworldly. This book takes a comprehensive and in- depth look at the issues, ...

Voices of Israel

Cohen takes an in-depth critical look at three novelists and two poets who stand at the forefront of contemporary Israeli literature, and whose works have been widely read, studied, and admired in the ...


Drawing on clues from Aristotle, Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Jacobson, Condillac, and Diderot, Appelbaum investigates the vocalized, acoustical aspect of audible expression. He analyzes the tendency to equate ...

Jung's Quest for Wholeness

Here is a unique analysis of Carl Jung's thought from the perspective of the history of religions. Using a religious and historical approach, the author identifies the religious goal or ultimate concern ...

The Logic of Marx's Capital

Beginning with "value" and "commodity" at the start of Volume I in Marx's major work, and progressing step-by-step to the end of Volume III, Smith establishes in detail that Capital is a systematic theory ...

Politics of Education

This book brings together thirty of the best essays from Radical Teacher. The journal is devoted to feminist and socialist approaches to teaching—to showing teachers how to democratize the classroom ...

Journeys in Holy Lands

Scholars have long pointed to the great affinity between stories found in the Bible and the Qur'an, yet no explanation has been proposed that satisfactorily explains the odd combination of incredible ...

Pleasure, Knowledge, and Being

Hampton illumines the overall structure of the Philebus. Taking the interrelations of pleasure, knowledge, and being as the keys to understanding the unity of the dialogue, she focuses on the central ...

Liberty, Property, and the Future of Constitutional Development

This book is a discussion of current trends in the constitutional protection of economic liberties. Since the mid-1930's, the Supreme Court has been reluctant to replace legislative judgements on matters ...

The Book of Prayer of Sor María of Santo Domingo

The history of women's spirituality and Christian mysticism demonstrates that women have been influential religious leaders even without benefit of priestly ordination and theological training. St. Catherine ...

Moral Personhood

This book presents a theory of personhood and moral personhood using results from recent work on intentionality in the philosophy of mind. An account of intentional kinds, causation, and explanation is ...

Exiles and Communities

This book is a meditation on the profession of teaching from the perspective of a woman whose intellectual identity as teacher and writer is inseparable from her whole life as a woman. Pagano brings the ...