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Education, Modernity, and Fractured Meaning

An indictment of the ideology of modernity, which has resulted in our leading incoherent and fragmented lives, Oliver and Gershman's book explores the profound paradigmatic differences that exist among ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 20

This volume covers the vital early years of the second Muslim civil war, when the Umayyad caliphate seemed on the point of extinction. That it survived had much to do with the vigor of the Umayyad Marwān ...

The Concise Srimad Bhagavatam

This is a condensed version of a long Purana of 18,000 verses. By means of stories from the lives of avatars, sages, and kings, it popularized the teaching of the Vedas. To study it is the best of all ...

Religion and Political Power

This book explores the interaction between two of the most charged topics in the modern world, religion and politics. It shows the inextricable connection between religious attitudes and representations, ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 26

The years 738-745/121-127, which this volume covers, saw the outbreak in Syria of savage internecine struggles between prominent members of the Umayyad family, which had ruled the Islamic world since ...

Old Age in Greek and Latin Literature

This volume explores the significance of old age in Greek and Latin poetry and dramatic literature, not just in relation to other textual and historical concerns, but as a cultural and intellectual reality ...

Research on Adulthood and Aging

By borrowing from a wide range of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry, and the humanities, this book gives a more "human," personal voice to the many experiences of aging. ...

Political Obligation in a Liberal State

The tension between the individualist view and the communalist view dominates current debate about liberal politics. DeLue establishes a basis for political discourse in a liberal society—an enlarged ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 24

In this volume, which covers the caliphates of Sulaymān, ʿUmar II, and Yazīd II, al-Ṭabarī provides vivid and detailed accounts of the events spanning the period from 97-105/715-724. We listen to ...

On Monosemy

In this book, the author argues that words should be presumed initially to be monosemic: having a single, highly abstract meaning. Semantic research should first seek a unitary meaning, resorting to polysemy, ...

Women, the State, and Development

This book reflects the most current scholarship on states, socioeconomic development, and feminist theory to emerge this decade. Addressed are issues such as the role of state policies and ideologies ...

Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism

Kaibara Ekken (1630—1714) was the focal Neo-Confucian thinker of the early Tokagawa period. He established the importance of Neo-Confucianism in Japan at a time when Buddhism had long been the dominant ...

The President as Prisoner

This book focuses, not on the Constitutional balance of power between Congress and the White House—a focus that restricts analysis to questions of means—but on the more unsettling and often unexamined ...

Red November, Black November

Red November, Black November is a study of the culture of the I. W. W. movement at the turn of the twentieth century. It analyzes the Wobblies' use of cultural expressions such as songs, poems, and cartoons ...

Teaching Sign Language to Chimpanzees

In this volume, the Gardners and their co-workers explore the continuity between human behavior and the rest of animal behavior and find no barriers to be broken, no chasms to be bridged, only unknown ...

Hermeneutics and Medieval Culture

Edited by Patrick J. Gallacher & Helen Damico
Subjects: History

This study explores the art of interpretation in works of history, art, music, and literature from the medieval period. The authors demonstrate that the search for meaning was a primary concern of medieval ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 30

This volume of al-Ṭabarī's History covers nearly a quarter of a century, and after covering the very brief caliphate of al-Hādī, concentrates on that of Hārūn al-Rashīd. During these years, the ...

The Catholic Church and Social Change in Nicaragua

This book presents an in-depth, uniquely historical perspective on Nicaragua, focusing on the key role of the Catholic Church in the political, social, and religious issues that confront this country ...

Hegel's Grand Synthesis

This book offers the first genuinely systematic treatment of Hegel's eschatology in the literature. It is an investigation into Hegel's project to demonstrate the ultimate unity of thought and being (consciousness ...

Advice on the Art of Governance (Mau'iẓah-i Jahāngīrī) of Muḥammad Bāqir Najm-i S̱ānī

Advice on the Art of Governance portrays the political thinking of the Mughals and exemplifies Indo-Islamic political subtlety. Written by a high-ranking Mughal noble in the early seventeenth century, ...

Hartshorne, Process Philosophy, and Theology

This book provides an introduction to Hartshorne's contributions to contemporary philosophy and theology. It also covers some of the current controversies in philosophy and theology that Hartshorne's ...

Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy III

Edited by John P. Anton & Anthony Preus
Subjects: Philosophy

The Plato who emerges from these essays is the seminal thinker, the profound philosopher, the master of dialectic who offers, together with his insights into reality and human values, a systematically ...

The Writing of Yehuda Amichai

Yehuda Amichai is an Israeli poet of international distinction. Known as Israel's "master poet," Amichai conveys a portrait of life in modern Israel, summarizing and reflecting all the major preoccupations ...

The Aesthetics of Excess

This book investigates the reciprocal and often transgressive relations between rhetorical figures and libidinal activity. The works of Nietzsche, Artaud, Bataille, Klossowski, and Sade are reconsidered ...

Chuang-Tzu for Spiritual Transformation

This book offers a fundamentally new interpretation of the philosophy of the Chuang-Tzu. It is the first full-length work of its kind which argues that a deep level cognitive structure exists beneath ...