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Mitchell and Thompson have compiled the first interdisciplinary study of deception and its manifestations in a variety of animal species. Deception is unique in that it presents detailed explorations ...

Controversies in Environmental Policy

Controversies in Environmental Policy presents comprehensive analyses of the politics surrounding decision-making on such environmental issues as land use, toxic waste management, new federalism, and ...

Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time

Edited by David Ray Griffin
Subjects: Philosophy

Challenges the conventional view of the nature of time.

Beyond Marginality

In a unique study of Anglo-Jewish writers in the post-war period, Dr. Sicher traces through their works the story of the rise of the Jewish community from slum poverty to suburban affluence. This period ...

Organization in a Changing Environment

This study deals with the interfaces between bureaucratized social service agencies, social workers, and clients. Russell K. Schutt covers significant topics of the history and organization of labor unions. ...

The Importances of the Past

This book examines tradition, the authority of the past, by tracing the process through which emotion and imagination transform everyday experience into an awareness of one's dependence on the work of ...

Care and Commitment

Care and Commitment is the first book to address the growing issue of foster parent adoption. Meezan and Shireman go directly to the source to find out why some foster parents, when given the opportunity, ...

Studies of Passive Clauses

In this work, Paul M. Postal supports the universalist theory of language by examining passive clauses. Contrary to a skeptical tradition, Postal argues that passive clauses are cross-linguistically identifiable ...

Picturing the World

Scientists are portrayed as champions of objectivity and truth, and artists as champions of subjectivity and creative expression. Through analysis of modern art, John C. Gilmour shows how misleading is ...


The key to self-development, says Mike Sayama, is the experience of Samadhi, a state of relaxed concentration in which the individual neither freezes out of fear nor clings due to desire. Simply stated, ...

A Conspiracy of Cells

A Conspiracy of Cells presents the first full account of one of medical science's more bizarre and costly mistakes. On October 4, 1951, a young black woman named Henrietta Lacks died of cervical cancer. ...

Studies in Earlier Old English Prose

Edited by Paul E. Szarmach
Subjects: Literature

Old English prose before the late tenth century is examined in this collection of hitherto unpublished essays. Using a variety of techniques, the authors explore well-known and lesser-known texts in search ...

Teaching the Educable Mentally Retarded

Robert and Denise Sedlak are noted for their work with mentally retarded young people. Teaching the Educable Mentally Retarded combines their training and experience to create an invaluable resource for ...

Crisis and Covenant

Explores how Jewish American writers have grappled with the enormity of the Holocaust.

Islam and the Destiny of Man

Islam and the Destiny of Man by Charles Le Gai Eaton is a wide-ranging study of the Muslim religion from a unique point of view. The author, a former member of the British Diplomatic Service, was brought ...


Phenomenology in America has developed in unique directions with respect to descriptive analysis and in relation to interdisciplinary fields. Descriptions examines current trends in phenomenology. It ...

A User's Guide to Community Entry for the Severely Handicapped

Once "warehoused" in institutions, many severely handicapped individuals are now living in community residences. Yet there are few resource materials available for those who face the difficult task of ...

Islam in Iran

A scholarly and authoritative history of the emergence and growth of Islam in Iran during the early and later medieval periods. This book, by I. P. Petrushevsky, the foremost Soviet Iranologist, was originally ...

Women, Religion, and Social Change

Women, Religion and Social Change focuses attention on the way in which women from a number of religious traditions have been able to bring about change and the manner in which religions have either facilitated ...

Prediction in Criminology

Prediction in Criminology is the first book to bring together a wide variety of articles on prediction research in criminology. It stresses not only substantive findings but also the methodology of prediction ...

Worker and Community

By Brian Greenberg
Subjects: History

Worker and Community focuses on the social and cultural impact of industrialization in Albany, New York during the middle decades of the nineteenth century. More than a local study, it uses Albany as ...

Averroes and the Metaphysics of Causation

By Barry S. Kogan
Subjects: Philosophy

Averroes and the Metaphysics of Causation examines the controversial causation issue. That causes produce their effects and can be known to do so is the view that Averroes defends in his Tahafut Al-Tahafut, ...

Sand and Pebbles

Sand and Pebbles presents the first complete English rendering of Shasekishū--the classic, popular Buddhist "Tale Literature" (setsuwa). This collection of instructive, yet often humorous, anecdotes ...

T'ai Chi Ch'üan

The foremost work on the ancient Chinese art of T'ai Chi Ch'üan in the English language is now even better. Master practitioner and teacher Sophia Delza has thoroughly revised her original guide to include ...

The Search for Social Peace

During the last one hundred years, programmatic social reform legislation has increasingly been accepted as an essential economic, social and political component of advanced capitalist nations. The Search ...