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Extending the Rafters

To the Iroquois, "extending the rafters" meant adding onto the longhouse, both in the literal sense of making room for new families and in the figurative sense of adding adopted individuals or tribes ...

The Influence of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations on American Foreign Policy

Examines the generally unrecognized role played by these foundations in support of US foreign policy.

History and System

History and System represents the first contemporary volume on Hegel's philosophy of history to be published in English. The editor notes that "with the possible exceptions of Augustine and Vico, no philosopher ...

Unreality and Time

This book recognizes and questions a key assumption about time which is shared by common sense and philosophy—the assumption that time, like a single substance or a homogeneous quality, is subject to ...

Abandoned Children

Edited by Rachel G. Fuchs
Introduction by Rachel G. Fuchs
Subjects: History

In nineteenth-century France, parents abandoned their children in overwhelming numbers—up to 20 percent of live births in the Parisian area. The infants were left at state-run homes and were then transferred ...

Omnipotence and other Theological Mistakes

This book presents Hartshorne's philosophical theology briefly, simply, and vividly.

Throughout the centuries some of the world's most brilliant philosophers and theologians have held and perpetuated ...

Schooling the Daughters of Marianne

This first book-length study of girls' primary education in France gives a concrete picture of how Frenchwomen were, and are, prepared for their roles in society.

Until the 1960s, the primary school provided ...

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

Recent advances in a variety of scientific disciplines have revealed the limitations of the Newtonian-Cartesian model of the universe. One of the interesting aspects of this development is the increasing ...

Yeats's Heroic Figures

Heroic man and "the lies of history," the myths that surrounded them, were vital to the Irish poet William Butler Yeats. This study examines the four Anglo-Irish historical figures who dominated his life ...

An Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of Religion

For Hegel, thought is not philosophical if it is not also religious. Both religion and philosophy have a common object and share the same content, for both are concerned with the inherent unity of all ...

Teaching-The Imperiled Profession

By Daniel L. Duke
Subjects: Education

What is it really like to be a teacher today? Teaching—The Imperiled Profession goes beyond conventional analyses, to probe the profession and various threats to its viability. Daniel L. Duke has drawn ...

Learning to Learn from Experience

By Edward Cell
Subjects: Psychology

Our success in life and living depends largely on our ability to learn from experience. Direct contact with things and persons affects every facet of our lives—behavior, perception, autonomy and creativity. ...

On the Contrary

Edited by Martha Rainbolt & Janet Fleetwood
Subjects: Education

On The Contrary contains a balance of writings by men and women. The essays are presented in pairs, a man and a woman writing on each topic. This balanced juxtaposition allows students to discuss, think, ...

Hegel's Concept of God

Presents the first comprehensive view of Hegel’s contribution to the God-question.

The Tao and the Daimon

The Tao and the Daimon examines a central theme in religious studies: the question of the authority and authenticity of traditional religious faith and practice (tao) in light of the challenge from the ...

Folk Songs of the Catskills

Part of the ancient Appalachians and just a few miles up the road from a massive metropolitan area, the Catskills have been home to the variety of people who have made the history of the New World.

The ...

Language and the Sexes

In a highly readable and lively text, the authors explore the way language mirrors our cultural assumptions, especially those concerned with gender distinctions. Focusing on contemporary issues, they ...

Technology and Social Complexity

Technology and Social Complexity explores the continuities between today's incredibly powerful new technology and the simpler technologies of the past. It shows that the diverse phenomena encompassed ...

Entrepreneurs in Red

Based on firsthand, in-depth, empirical research conducted by Dr. Rupp in his native Hungary, this book is a causal analysis of the striking economic success of private manufacturing enterprises, and ...

Perspective in Whitehead's Metaphysics

Stephen David Ross presents an extensive, detailed, and critical interpretation of Whitehead's mature thought, emphasizing the fundamental role of perspective in Whitehead's cosmology, and tracing the ...

Changing Social Science

Edited by Daniel R. Sabia & Jerald Wallulis
Subjects: Sociology

Changing Social Science is both a description of and prescription for the current unease in the social sciences. It brings together articles by philosophers, sociologists, and political scientists who ...

The Slayers of Moses

In this groundbreaking study, Susan Handelman examines the theological roots of the modern science of interpretation. She defines current structures of thought and patterns of organizing reality, clearly ...

The Quest for Wholeness

"This book has been written for the artist, for the theologian, and for the philosopher, each of whom must be concerned with the question, "What does it mean to be human?" But at a deeper level, it is ...