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The Shadow of Dionysus

Maffesoli presents a powerful argument for understanding everyday life by examining the passional logic that animates the social body. He asserts that the "circulation of sexuality," as much as the circulation ...

Shankara and Indian Philosophy

According to Advaita-Vedanta, God or Brahman is identical with the inner self (the Atman) of each person, while the rest of the world is nothing but objective illusion (maya). Shankara maintains that ...

Principal Succession

This book examines major issues in theory and research related to leader succession. It looks at the persistent problems confronted by people assigned to lead established social and professional groups ...

Power in the Workplace

This book presents a systematic case study of the hi-tech communications industry that reveals many trends in managerial authority in the workpace. Vallas reveals the mechanisms that enable advanced capitalist ...

Sociobiology, Sex, and Science

This book examines sociobiology's validity and significance, using the sociobiological theory of the evolution of mating and parenting as an example. It identifies and discusses the array of factors that ...

Virginal Sexuality and Textuality in Victorian Literature

This book examines the figure of the virgin, a symbol central to many aspects of society and sexuality in nineteenth-century England, and its effects on the Victorian literary imagination. Studying the ...

Chinese Democracy and the Crisis of 1989

This study examines the process of democratization in China, taking as a focal point the recent crisis of 1989 in Tiananmen Square, but providing broader historical perspectives from both Chinese and ...

Japanese Business

This book brings together the best writing on Japanese business in a comprehensive reader, illustrating the impact of Japanese culture and lifeways on all facets of business behavior. The authors examine ...

Modernity and Authenticity

This study on the contemporary relevance of Rousseau's ethical and social thought, the "ethic of authenticity," responds to the tensions of modern morality and rivals the answers generated by the more ...

Critical Reasoning in Contemporary Culture

Here we have, for the first time in a single volume, diverse perspectives on the meaning, conditions, and goals of critical reasoning in contemporary culture. Part One emphasizes critical reasoning and ...

The Degeneracy Crisis and Victorian Youth

By Thomas E. Jordan
Subjects: History

A book in the ecology of child development, The Degeneracy Crisis and Victorian Youth studies stress in the lives of children in the Victorian age (1837 - 1901). The term "degeneracy" is pursued in the ...

Non-Causal Theory of Justice in Rumi's Work

Presenting eleven of Soroush’s essays, available in English for the first time.

Dialectical Social Theory and Its Critics

Establishes that dialectical social theory retains practical importance today and is, in fact, crucial to interdisciplinary attempts to construct a viable theory of the social world.


Esperanto, spoken by thousands of people across the world, is the most successful international language project. In this book, the French linguist and literary critic Pierre Janton describes the history ...

Union Voices

The contributors to this book are labor activists reflecting on their direct experiences and their union's efforts to address the serious problems facing them in a rapidly changing political and economic ...

Ready for What?

This book looks at readiness from a different perspective, arguing that we must move away from the readiness-as-child characteristic so prevalent in education and the popular press. Instead, readiness ...

Education, Cultural Myths, and the Ecological Crisis

This book is an examination of how the educational process perpetuates cultural myths contributing to the ecological crisis. In addressing the cultural and educational dimensions of the ecological crisis, ...

The Life of Illness

The Life of Illness tells the story of one woman's courageous struggle with kidney failure, illness, and death. It is, however, a book about life, hope, faith, and the transformative power of caring for ...

Metaphysics as Foundation

Edited by Paul A. Bogaard & Gordon Treash
Subjects: Philosophy

The essays in this book examine the proposition that an interpretation of subjects and subjectivity from the ontological perspective, first outlined by Alfred North Whitehead and elaborated by Ivor Leclerc, ...

Shaping the Preschool Agenda

Making all children "ready to learn" is the first, and probably the most important, national education goal for the year 2000. What does it mean for children to be "ready to learn?"

This book is about ...

The Life of Irony and the Ethics of Belief

Wisdo concludes that the fragility of religious belief is due to the unavoidable irony intrinsic to the religious life.

Children at Risk in America

This collection of essays addresses twentieth-century historical and contemporary issues regarding children who are considered to be at risk. The essays explore the language of risk as it is used by the ...

Gothic (Re)Visions

Gothic fiction usually has been perceived as the special province of women, an attraction often attributed to a thematics of woman-identified issues such as female sexuality, marriage, and childbirth. ...

Speaking the Unspeakable

This book studies the literary and cinematic functions of the pornographic as a development from a poetics of obscenity. It focuses on the developments of French, British, and American artistic pornography ...