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Neighborhood Upgrading

Neighborhood Upgrading examines the effectiveness of government-subsidized housing rehabilitation programs in reversing patterns of neighborhood decline. Varady takes a realistic look at the dilemma facing ...

Michael Polanyi

Michael Polanyi was an eminent physical chemist, economist, and philosopher. This book explains how the many diverse topics that concerned him belong together as essential elements in his effort to play ...

Open Country, Iowa

Open Country, Iowa links anthropology and history in a woman's perspective on the changing social patterns of rural Iowa communities. Using life stories which she has collected, Deborah Fink explores ...

Death and the Disinterested Spectator

By Ann Hartle
Subjects: Philosophy

Death and the Disinterested Spectator examines the nature of philosophy in light of philosophy's claim to be a preparation for death. Does philosophy have any real power, or is it merely idle talk? The ...

The Dharma

The Dharma is the first major collection of teachings by Kalu Rinpoche, a great meditation master in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. These discourses were presented in America with a Western audience ...

Modern Indian Interpreters of the Bhagavad Gita

This is a collection of careful, objective, historically sensitive studies of modern commentators on the Bhagavadgita, one of the basic scriptures of Hinduism, and one which has been widely read in the ...

The Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations

This book presents a new and original analysis of the great ancient civilizations, focusing on the breakthroughs and their institutionalization in Greece, Israel, China, and India. The conditions under ...

Evaluation-Based Leadership

An important contribution to the literature in administration, Evaluation-Based Leadership moves school leaders and decision-makers toward a new model of operation rooted in evaluation. Responding to ...

Life and Labor

Life and Labor brings together the most stimulating scholarship in the field of labor history today. Its fifteen essays explore the impact of industrialization and technology on the lives of working people ...

Out of the Crucible

This book examines in depth the century-long struggle of Black laborers in the iron and steel industry of western Pennsylvania. In the process it shows how the fate of these Black workers mirrors the ...


This book presents new and original insights into the political, social, and economic development of today's Egypt. The case study of Kamshish, a small village in the heart of the Delta, sheds light on ...

The Cayo Santiago Macaques

This volume presents a broad spectrum of research on the Cayo Santiago macaques, a unique free-ranging colony of rhesus macaques in Puerto Rico. It includes thirteen scientific studies on the behavior ...

Masters of Mahamudra

In Tibetan Buddhism, Mahamudra represents a perfected level of meditative realization: it is the inseparable union of wisdom and compassion, of emptiness and skillful means. These eighty-four masters, ...

Stepchildren of Progress

Dramatic changes caused by a foreign-owned nickel mining company in an Indonesian town provide the setting for this ethnographic study. Robinson notes the changes that took place in Soroako, a village ...

Mallarme and the Sublime

In this groundbreaking study, Louis W. Marvick develops a literary criterion for the quality known as "the sublime," considered as the expression of an attitude towards the ideal--an attitude composed ...

Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Style

This readable, informed, and insightful book illustrates the effects Virginia Woolf's feminism had on her art. Woolf's committed feminism combined with her integrity as an artist and her ability to metamorphose ...

System and History in Philosophy

The book begins with the problem of the relationship between systematic philosophy and the history of philosophy. Why does philosophy attach so much importance to history? Consideration of this question ...

American Religious Empiricism

In nineteenth-century France, parents abandoned their children in overwhelming numbers—up to 20 percent of live births in the Parisian area. The infants were left at state-run homes and were then transferred ...

Karma and Creativity

The conception of karma in the religious traditions of India has prompted numerous interpretations, many of which equate karma with notions of fate. Karma and Creativity presents a perspective on karma ...

Apocalyptic Messianism and Contemporary Jewish-American Poetry

Focusing on the rich context of esoteric Jerish literature, this collection presents in-depth analyses of Jewish-American poetry. Gitenstein defines Jewish messianism and the literary genre of the apocalyptic, ...

Gleanings in Europe

Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine is an account of James Fenimore Cooper's travels in Europe at the time of the 1832 revolt in Paris, when he hoped General Lafayette would be declared President of France ...

The Pilot

Having drawn on local knowledge and private information for The Spy and on his own boyhood experiences for The Pioneers, it was inevitable that Cooper would seek a way to convert yet another area of his ...

Nuclear Weapons

This is a clear, non-technical and comprehensive study of nuclear strategy and the balance of power. The book is intended for both supporters and opponents of nuclear deterrence—indeed for all who believe ...

The Argument of the Tractatus

The Argument of the "Tractatus" presents a single unified interpretation of the Tractatus based on Wittgenstein's own view that the philosophy of logic is the real foundation of his philosophical system. ...