
Showing 526-550 of 648 titles.
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Changing American Education

School change and educational reform are discussed constantly by the media. Despite a decade of frenzied interest, there is little consensus on the most fundamental issues. The terminology of school reform ...

Playing Favorites

Playing Favorites examines the ways in which gifted education disrupts the classroom community, deskills regular classroom teachers, limits their ability and willingness to meet individual needs, and ...

Self and School Success

With the problems of the inner-cities reaching catastrophic proportions, Americans must ask themselves whether any young people in these environments can succeed at all. In our high schools, the good ...

Restructuring the Middle Level School

This book provides middle level teachers and administrators with a rich resource on restructuring schools to help young adolescents achieve intellectual, social, and emotional success. It is a comprehensive ...

Inquiry and Reflection

Inquiry and Reflection shows how stories of schooling can elucidate difficult, and unexamined problems facing teachers. While professional texts tend to raise issues of power and its distribution and ...

Token Professionals and Master Critics

This book addresses literary critics in mainstream institutions who, though they vastly outnumber their colleagues in more prestigious institutions, have little voice in the profession. It examines the ...

Toward Gender Equity in the Classroom

Rather than simply examining gender differences in student performance, this book presents various aspects and considerations of gender equity in classroom teaching through conversations with and observations ...

Teaching Diverse Populations

This book presents current knowledge about teaching culturally diverse populations, traditionally underserved in the nation's public schools. It approaches the challenge of improving public school education ...

Children's Play in Diverse Cultures

This book illuminates play as a universal and culture-specific activity. It provides needed information about the behavior of children in diverse cultural contexts as well as about the play of children ...


By Flora Ida Ortiz
Subjects: Education

Schoolhousing presents a theoretical and practical portrayal of how, when, and why public school districts build new schools. Based on extensive data analysis and a comprehensive review of the literature, ...

Troubled Times for American Higher Education

Clark Kerr, one of the nation's foremost educators and commentators on the educational scene, examines emerging problems that he predicts will influence the near future of higher education. These include ...

Becoming an Agent

This book is about individuals who have made dramatic changes in their lives. In the beginning, these people were living as patients or victims of circumstance. In the end, they were living as agents, ...

Laura and Jim and What They Taught Me About the Gap Between Educational Theory and Practice

By Dona M. Kagan
Subjects: Education

Many teachers do not conform to the views of teaching espoused by professors of education. Yet these teachers are often judged as outstanding by colleagues, students, parents, and administrators. This ...

Visions of Entitlement

As part of a re-examination of our societal values and obligations, this book focuses on illuminating the various meanings and issues of entitlement in relation to the basic needs of children in our society. ...

Conflict, Competition, or Cooperation?

This book analyzes the organizational interface between the public and higher education sectors as policy leaders experiment with cooperative strategies to optimize legislative appropriations, compete ...

Multicultural Literature and Literacies

Does literature serve a humanizing function? Can it achieve social transformation? What roles does literature play for defining self, creating community, and achieving global perspective? This is the ...

Understanding Curriculum as Racial Text

This book examines issues of identity and difference, both theoretically and as represented in curriculum materials. Here debates over the cultural character of the curriculum are characterized as debates ...

The Cold War and Academic Governance

This book examines the harassment of the Johns Hopkins University sinologist Owen Lattimore during the height of the Cold War on campus. It moves from detailing the specifics of Lattimore's case to a ...

Promising Practices in Teaching Social Responsibility

This book is by, for, and about teachers. It is a showcase for the innovative practices that teachers have found most effective in teaching social responsibility. The authors offer a rare discussion of ...

Children on Playgrounds

This book focuses on key issues and current research evidence of links between children's behavior in outdoor play environments and children's development. Specific attention is given to ways that outdoor ...

Changing Patterns of Power

The reform of teacher education has been a focal point of state action in industrial countries since the early 1980s. Given this convergence of educational and governmental activity, the studies presented ...

The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace

This book shows how significant a worldwide constitutional framework can be, both analytically and politically, in efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace. The authors are careful to avoid the pitfalls ...

Educational Administration in a Pluralistic Society

In this bold, provocative supplemental text for the field of educational administration, Colleen Capper and contributors challenge administrators, policymakers, practitioners, and communities to confront ...

At-Risk Students

This book explores the circumstances of at-risk students and argues that well-intentioned policymakers and educators run the risk of making matters worse rather than better for these students, even if ...