
Showing 551-575 of 649 titles.
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At-Risk Students

This book explores the circumstances of at-risk students and argues that well-intentioned policymakers and educators run the risk of making matters worse rather than better for these students, even if ...

Democracy, Education, and Governance

The restructuring of school governance, especially in urban school districts, is fundamental in current educational reform. This book provides a model of school governance based upon participatory democracy, ...

Performance versus Results

This study examines the consequences of cultural development on the emergence of contemporary sport. The current preoccupation with statistics and reductionist theories has objectified athletic performance ...

To Be One of Us

In the context of the growing debate over the relationship between humanities education and the future of liberal democracy, To Be One of Us surveys in dialectical fashion several contemporary humanist ...

Families and Schools in a Pluralistic Society

Recent research identifies increased parent involvement in education as a promising method to bolster student achievement. Statistics show that while many traditional white, middle class families have ...

Principal Succession

This book examines major issues in theory and research related to leader succession. It looks at the persistent problems confronted by people assigned to lead established social and professional groups ...

Critical Reasoning in Contemporary Culture

Here we have, for the first time in a single volume, diverse perspectives on the meaning, conditions, and goals of critical reasoning in contemporary culture. Part One emphasizes critical reasoning and ...

Ready for What?

This book looks at readiness from a different perspective, arguing that we must move away from the readiness-as-child characteristic so prevalent in education and the popular press. Instead, readiness ...

Education, Cultural Myths, and the Ecological Crisis

This book is an examination of how the educational process perpetuates cultural myths contributing to the ecological crisis. In addressing the cultural and educational dimensions of the ecological crisis, ...

Shaping the Preschool Agenda

Making all children "ready to learn" is the first, and probably the most important, national education goal for the year 2000. What does it mean for children to be "ready to learn?"

This book is about ...

Children at Risk in America

This collection of essays addresses twentieth-century historical and contemporary issues regarding children who are considered to be at risk. The essays explore the language of risk as it is used by the ...

Lesbian Teachers

Teachers, in general, are hired to conform with set values of the community which hires them. They are expected to reflect conventions which correspond with an ideological model of behavior sanctioned ...

Teacher Induction and Mentoring

The ordeals and stresses of the first year of teaching have often been cited as reasons why many new teachers become discouraged and even abandon their teaching careers. One strategy that has proven successful ...

What Schools Can Do

This book is organized around three themes: mechanisms of domination and control; pedagogies of possibility; and theory as critique. It links education with an analysis of politics and economics, and ...

Redesigning Teaching

Redesigning Teaching provides concrete case studies of school districts implementing teacher reforms. The cases describe the changes, give the history and dynamics of each project, examine how teachers ...

Reflective Teacher Education

An increasing number of educators are arguing for conceptually sound reflective or inquiry-oriented teacher education programs. The argument is based on the fact that reflective teaching is possible and ...

National Service, Citizenship, and Political Education

This book analyzes the issues surrounding civilian national service policy from a fresh and original perspective. The author connects national service programs to the political theories of civic republicanism ...

Teacher Personal Theorizing

This book examines the relationship between teacher theorizing and teacher action as illustrated by the curricular and instructional practices of teachers. The authors show that all teaching is guided ...

Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Psychology, and Educational Theory and Practice

This edited volume extends existing discussions among philosophers of science, cognitive psychologists, and educational researchers on the the restructuring of scientific knowledge and the domain of science ...

Sex Equity and Sexuality in Education

Edited by Susan Shurberg Klein
Subjects: Education

Neither sex equity nor sexuality are new topics to educators, but little attention has been given to their combination. This book identifies critical issues that researchers, reformers, and educators ...

Teacher Education Policy

This collection of narratives, stories, and case studies brings to life examples of policy processes that affect teacher educators' work, goals, and accomplishments, including certification, testing, ...

Curriculum for Utopia

This book examines the relationship between contemporary forms of critical theory and social reconstructionism, as they relate and contribute to the construction of a radical theory of education. It illustrates ...