
Showing 76-100 of 649 titles.
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Bordered Writers

Examines innovative writing pedagogies and the experiences of Latinx student writers at Hispanic-Serving Institutions nationwide.

Catalyzing the Field

A rich collection of essays about the inner, shared experiences of participants engaged in second-person approaches to contemplative practice.

Buddhisms in Asia

A guide to Buddhism’s rich variety of traditions and cultural expressions for educators who would like to include Buddhism in their undergraduate courses.

Stories of School Yoga

Edited by Andrea M. Hyde & Janet D. Johnson
Subjects: Education

Provides firsthand perspectives from yoga practitioners and educators on the promises and challenges of school-based yoga programs.

New Directions in Jewish American and Holocaust Literatures

Surveys the current state of Jewish American and Holocaust literatures as well as approaches to teaching them.

The Other in Perception

By Susan Bredlau
Subjects: Philosophy

Demonstrates the unique, pervasive, and overwhelmingly important role of other people within our lived experience.

United University Professions

Tells the story of the nation's largest higher education union from its earliest years to its role today as a powerful organization promoting the interests of faculty, staff, and the entire SUNY community.

Trans People in Higher Education

Edited by Genny Beemyn
Subjects: Education

Addresses the experiences of trans college students, faculty, and staff in a single volume for the first time.

Black Women and Social Justice Education

Focuses on Black women’s experiences and expertise in order to advance educational philosophy and provide practical tools for social justice pedagogy.

Confucianism Reconsidered

Explores the rich potential of Confucianism in American and Chinese classrooms of the twenty-first century.

The Parthenon and Liberal Education

Discusses the importance of the early history of Greek mathematics to education and civic life through a study of the Parthenon and dialogues of Plato.

The Room Is on Fire

By Susan Weinstein
Subjects: Education

Blends history and theory with practical descriptions of how spoken word poetry is taught and how to produce spoken word events.

Childhood beyond Pathology

Brings psychoanalytic concepts to the notion of childhood development with a keen eye to discussions of social justice and human dignity.

The Quest for Purpose

Demonstrates how students and educators can resist narrow, utilitarian views of higher education’s purpose.

Brokering Tareas

By Steven Alvarez
Subjects: Education

Provides concrete examples of homework mentorship and positive academic interventions among immigrant families.

Shared Governance in Higher Education, Volume 2

Edited by Sharon F. Cramer
Subjects: Education

Offers valuable insights into the governance process in higher education.

The Intersubjective Turn

Examines key theoretical aspects of the emerging field of second-person contemplative education.

New York's Grand Emancipation Jubilee

Examines slavery, abolition, and race in the United States with a special focus on New York State.

Getting Personal

Edited by Laura Gray-Rosendale
Subjects: Language Arts

Addresses how digital forms of personal writing can be most effectively used by teachers, students, and other community members.

Being Black, Being Male on Campus

Explores how race and gender matter on campus and how Black males navigate college for academic and personal success.

Staging Women's Lives in Academia

Argues that institutional change must accommodate women’s professional and personal life stages.

International Librarianship

Demonstrates the impact of global education partnerships related to information access.

Shared Governance in Higher Education, Volume 1

Edited by Sharon F. Cramer
Subjects: Education

Offers practical advice for achieving shared governance in higher education.

Art as Contemplative Practice

Art as yoga and meditation for artists, contemplative practitioners, art educators, and art therapists.

US Latinization

Edited by Spencer Salas & Pedro R. Portes
Subjects: Education

Demonstrates how educators and policymakers should treat the intertwined nature of immigrant education and social progress in order to improve current policies and practices.