Environmental Studies

Showing 151-175 of 229 titles.
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Reinhabiting Reality

Argues that the environmental crisis is symptomatic of much deeper crises in modern civilization.

Writing Environments

Including interviews with several of America's leading environmental writers, this volume addresses the intersections between writing and nature.

Petrified Intelligence

A critical introduction to Hegel's metaphysics and philosophy of nature.

Green Man, Earth Angel

Argues for a renewed vision of the cosmos based on the centrality of the human encounter with the sacred.

Educating for a Culture of Social and Ecological Peace

Edited by Anita L. Wenden
Subjects: Politics And Law

Examines the overlapping aims, values, and concepts in peace and environmental education.

Sustainability and Spirituality

Argues that true sustainability must be based in spirituality and looks at religious communities dedicated to the environment.

Art Nature Dialogues

Environmental artists from Europe and North America talk about their work.

First Outline of a System of the Philosophy of Nature

Schelling's first systematic attempt to articulate a complete philosophy of nature.

Buying Time and Getting By

By Mary Grigsby
Subjects: Sociology

An exploration of the voluntary simplicity movement including comments from simple livers and a look at class, race, and gender in this movement.

A Parliament of Science

Interviews with scientific leaders focus on the challenges, promises, and perils of science and technology.

Contested Nature

Contends that effective biological conservation and social justice must go hand in hand.


Explores how continental philosophy can inform environmental ethics.

A Religion of Nature

An eloquent case for regarding nature itself as the focus of religion—as the metaphysical ultimate deserving religious commitment.

Environmental Conflict

Explores how economics can help solve environmental problems.

Natural Discourse

Examines the relationships between language and nature.

Land, Value, Community

Leading scholars critically assess the pioneering environmental philosophy of J. Baird Callicott.

Linked Arms

Shows how a rural group used civil disobedience to defy the nuclear industry and governmental authority, preventing the building of a nuclear dump in western New York.

Living and Value

Based on an ecologically inspired wordview, defends ethics against skepticism and irrealism.

Religious Vegetarianism

An anthology of writings on vegetarianism from a wide range of religious traditions.

Technology and the Contested Meanings of Sustainability

Argues that sustainability requires more than economic and technological efficiency.

An Ethics of Place

Adopts ecological theory to critique, confront, and suggest solutions for contemporary cultural problems.


Explores the intersections between writing and ecological studies.

Deep Ecology and World Religions

Parallels and contrasts values from world religions and those proposed by the environmental perspective of deep ecology.

Bringing Life to Ethics

Enlarges the meaning and scope of inquiry into our values, relationships, and treatment of animals, the environment, and each other.

Nature and Psyche

Underscores the limitations of traditional psychology to envision a more healthy ecological and psychological future.