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Nativism Overseas

This book examines five of the most influential Chinese-born women writers of the post-war era: Nie Hualing, Yu Lihua, Chen Ruoxi, Li Li, and Zhong Xiaoyang. They have become a dominating force in Chinese ...

On Understanding Buddhists

Carter unfolds the cumulative traditions of Theravāda Buddhism by showing how one "looks at the world through Buddhist eyes." Presenting evidence from the Buddhist heritage in Sri Lanka, he develops ...

Everyday Spirits

Transformation of being begins exactly where one is. This is, for most of us, at home. We are acted upon by objects familiar to us, influenced in unfelt ways, and moved toward a destiny proper to a responsible ...

Technocracy at Work

Technocracy, loosely defined, is "rule by experts. " Technocracy at Work focuses on the organizational dimensions and aspects of technocracy.

Substantial sociological literatures have analyzed contemporary ...

Mysteries of Attention

By James S. Hans
Subjects: Literature

The Mysteries of Attention explores the principles of selection through which the nature of human attention is established and delineates the modes, forms, measures, and motifs of attention. It is a literary/philosophical ...

Understanding Language Acquisition

How is language acquisition possible? How is it that humans, within a few years of birth, can speak and understand language, transcending both its limited experience and biological limitations?

In this ...

Emily Dickinson, Woman of Letters

Buried in Emily Dickinson's letters are many lines that are stunningly beautiful, as beautiful as any to be found in her poems. Lewis Turco has taken some of these lines and written poems from them, on ...

The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima

This book addresses the problem of religion, ethics, and public policy in a global technological civilization. It attempts to do what narrative ethicists have said cannot be done—to construct a cross-cultural ...

Symbols, Conflict, and Identity

This book investigates cultural and social identity in contemporary complex societies, focusing especially on Eastern Europe. Mach explains the role of symbols and symbolic forms in he relations between ...

Critical Theory, Public Policy, and Planning Practice

Too often attacked as hopelessly abstract, contemporary critical social theory can help us to understand both public policy and its analysis. In this book, John Forester shows how policy analysis, planning, ...

Enlightenment to Enlightenment

By Henri Atlan
Translated by Lenn J. Schramm
Subjects: Literature

This book is a thorough and critical, comparative analysis of the logic of modern scientific thought and of traditional teachings generally referred to as mythological and mystical.

Different rationalities ...

New Horizons in Sephardic Studies

This book contains the most recent research in the intrinsically interdisciplinary field of Sephardic Studies. It provides new insights into Sephardic history, culture, folklore, languages, music, and ...

One Blood

One Blood offers a wealth of ethnographic material, skillfully using traditional Jamaican images and expressions to present a coherent and systematic depiction of the Jamaican body, of how it works and ...

Parent-Child Play

This book provides the latest research and theory in the area of children's play with their parents. It includes discussions of the basic processes involved in parent-child play, parent-child play in ...

Children on Playgrounds

This book focuses on key issues and current research evidence of links between children's behavior in outdoor play environments and children's development. Specific attention is given to ways that outdoor ...

Time and Psychological Explanation

Psychology has been captured by an assumption that is almost totally unrecognized. This assumption—the linearity of time—unduly restricts theory and therapy, yet this restriction is so common, so ...

The Symposium and the Phaedrus

The Symposium and the Phaedrus are combined here because of their shared theme: a reflection on the nature of erotic love, the love that begins with sexual desire but can transcend that origin and reach ...

Gaps in Nature

This book is a study of the relation between cognitive linguistics and literary theory. Theory of literary interpretation is reinterpreted in terms of current debate in cognitive science. While research ...

Knowledge Without Expertise

This book critically examines the reliance of society on experts, specifically attacking the notion of the privilege of scientific expertise and defining the politics of this intellectual discourse. The ...

Changing Patterns of Power

The reform of teacher education has been a focal point of state action in industrial countries since the early 1980s. Given this convergence of educational and governmental activity, the studies presented ...

Cities of Jiangnan in Late Imperial China

This book examines cities of the Jiangnan region of south-central China between the twelfth and nineteenth centuries, an area considered to be the model of a successfully developing regional economy. ...

Controversial Science

This book represents emerging alternative perspectives to the "constructivist" orthodoxy that currently dominates the field of science and technology studies. Various contributions from distinguished ...

Dialectic and Narrative

Dialectic and narrative reflect the respective inclinations of philosophy and literature as disciplines that fix one another in a Sartrean gaze, admixing envy with suspicion. Ever since Plato and Aristotle ...