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Authority and Political Culture in Shi'ism

The major theme of this book is authority in Shi`ism with special emphasis on its institutionalization in different historic periods from the beginning of Shi`ism in the Middle Ages to the present.

Part ...

When the Marching Stopped

This book takes the "next step" in the study of the civil rights movement in the United States. To date, the vast majority of books on the civil rights movement have analyzed either the origins and philosophies, ...

Excellence and Equality

Fetterman focuses on what actually works in gifted and talented education programs. Complementing the psychological perspective on gifted and talented education, he adopts an anthropological point of ...

Reason and Justice

This is a finely argued, detailed, and comprehensive systematic theory of justice, brilliantly extending Hegelian ethics much as Rawls's Theory of Justice rehabilitated and extended classical Liberalism. ...

Feminist Dialogics

Feminist Dialogics examines the structure of four novels (Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance, James's The Golden Bowl, Wharton's The House of Mirth and Chopin's The Awakening) through the lens of Mikhail ...

Convention, Translation, and Understanding

This book surveys several theoretical controversies in anthropology that revolve around reconciling the objective description of culture with the influence of inquirer interests and conceptions. It relates ...

Class, Race, and Gender in American Education

Most educators might agree that the hidden agendas on class, race, and gender, to a large extent, condition and determine the form and the content of schooling. But, how much of this situation is due ...

Perspectives on Ecosystem Management for the Great Lakes

In 1978 Canada and the United States concluded an agreement for the protection and enhancement of water quality in the Great Lakes based on the ecosystem approach to management. Since ratification of ...

Mythos and Logos in the Thought of Carl Jung

The author explores and defends the bold thesis that the idea of the collective unconscious can be reconciled with a scientific world outlook as he sketches a big picture from Jung's psychological viewpoint. ...

Rethinking Scripture

Edited by Miriam Levering
Subjects: Literature

Exploring the nature of texts, this book explains how scriptures function within religions. Topics covered include the oral dimensions of scripture, canon formation, a study of the word in Hindu life, ...

The Poetics of Ascent

This book represents the first English translation of Maaseh Merkabah, which is part of a body of early Jewish mystical texts known as palace (hekhalot) or chariot (merkabah) texts. Through a complex ...

Hegel and His Critics

This book deals with fundamental problems in Hegel and with Hegel in relation to Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Russell, Heidegger, Husserl, Derrida, and Bataille. It reveals Hegel's power to provoke both ...

The Korean Neo-Confucianism of Yi Yulgok

This book explores the philosophical and religious dimensions of Korean Neo-Confuciansim as expounded by one of the foremost Korean Neo-Confucian thinkers, Yi Yulgok (1536-1584). Yulgok's creative interpretations ...

The Concise Rāmāyana of Vālmīki

This is a condensed version of a long epic, written between 750 and 500 B. C., consisting of 50,000 lines of Sanskrit verse. Divided into seven Kanor books, it tells the story of Rama from his birth to ...

France Under Recession: 1981-1986

This book reviews the substantial changes that occurred in France during the period in which a left wing president and government controlled the nation's destiny. In their quest for a solution to the ...

The Case for Commitment to Teacher Growth

Most evaluations of teacher performance are brief, superficial, pro forma affairs involving a few moments of classroom observation every year or two followed by the completion of required evaluation forms. ...

Environmental Justice

This book explores the philosophical background of questions on environmental justice. It focuses on theories of distributive justice, primarily those which concern the manner in which benefits and burdens ...

Moral Analysis

This is an introductory text for an ethics course that provides the theoretical background for discussion of ethical problems. It could be supplemented with essays or anthologies on a range of particular ...

New Directions in Budget Theory

This collection is the first book-length work in many years to provide new theoretical direction to budget theory. Written by several of the most respected people in budgeting, including Allen Schick, ...

Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences

This book expands the concept of the nature of science and provides a practical research alternative for those who work with people and organizations.

Using literary criticism, philosophy, and history, ...

Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis

In an exciting return to the roots of factor analysis, Allen Yates reviews its early history to clarify original objectives created by its discoverers and early developers. He then shows how computers ...

Postmodernism and Continental Philosophy

The volume begins with a major statement by the French feminist culture critic Julia Kristeva and includes essays by well-known and also younger continental philosophers writing in the North American ...

Business Elites and Urban Development

Written in a non-technical, narrative style, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone concerned with current trends in urban development. During the Reagan era, responsibility for urban planning ...

Order and Might

This is a systematic philosophy of politics and the state. As few contemporary books do, Order and Might provides a general theory, exploring the structure of socio-political experience. It not only addresses ...

When Jews and Christians Meet

Edited by Jakob J. Petuchowski
Subjects: Jewish Studies

When Jews and Christians Meet captures the present state of the Christian-Jewish Dialogue, in which it is taken for granted that good will has been established and that Christians and Jews have a great ...