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The Politics of State and City Administration

In The Politics of State and City Administration, Abney and Lauth take a penetrating look at the relationships of state and city administrators to the people with whom they work: legislators, councilors, ...

Life of the Transcendental Ego

The Life of the Transcendental Ego presents essays by a number of distinguished writers in the continental tradition of philosophy. The essays include problems in transcendental philosophy, the nature ...

Art and the Absolute

Art and the Absolute restores Hegel's aesthetics to a place of central importance in the Hegelian system. In so doing, it brings Hegel into direct relation with the central thrust of contemporary philosophy. ...

The Real is Not the Rational

What is real? What is man? Beginning with these two fundamental questions, The Real is not the Rational searches back into the history of philosophy for the development of these issues. It presents selected ...

Powers of Imagining

Presents new translations of works by Loyola.

Face to Face with Levinas

An introduction to the ethical and ontological import of Levinas’ philosophy.

The American Sublime

Edited by Mary Arensberg
Subjects: General Interest

American poetics has been radicalized in recent years by revisionist theories which replay and ground poets against their Romantic precursors. Beginning with the sublime politics of Emerson and ending ...

Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extension and Solidarity

At the base of Whitehead's philosophy of organism is a vision of the solidarity of all final actualities. Each actuality is a discrete individual enjoying autonomous self-determination, yet each also ...

Essays in Phenomenological Theology

This anthology applies phenomenological concepts and methods to issues of philosophical theology and philosophical theology and philosophy: the being and nature of God, and the divine modes of relatedness ...

Wildlife, Wild Death

This book examines the relationship between agricultural land use and wildlife protection in two eastern African countries—Kenya and Tanzania. Although both elements are vital to the societies and economies ...

James Joyce and Heraldry

James Joyce and Heraldry demonstrates that heraldry is an essential key to the symbols of Joyce's major works. It is a clear, witty introduction to heraldry and the use of heraldic imagery by Western ...

Religion and Philosophy in Germany

By Heinrich Heine
Translated by John Snodgrass
Subjects: Jewish Studies

During the last 25 years of his life, Heinrich Heine lived in Paris for the most part, and there he contributed to the Revue de Deux Mondes a series of prose articles on the religious and political history ...

Laboratory Animal Husbandry

This book demonstrates that good science, animal care, and humane ethics are consonant and complimentary. Many environmental and treatment-related variables that can adversely affect both the animal and ...

The Face of Truth

The Face of Truth examines in depth the Vedantic theology of Rāmānuja, the most important and well-known of the classical Hindu theologians. Julius Lipner clearly analyzes Rāmānuja's theory of sacred ...

Eight Lives

This book was written by a Hindu, the grandson of Mohandas K. Gandhi. His intent, in writing on eight Muslims and their influence on India in the twentieth century, is to reduce the gulf between Hindu ...

The Nature of Aesthetic Value

The Nature of Aesthetic Value proposes that aesthetic goodness, the property in virtue of which works of art are valuable, is a matter of their capacity in appropriate circumstances to give satisfaction. ...

Language, Sexuality, and Ideology in Ezra Pound's Cantos

Ezra Pound's Cantos remains among the most influential and difficult of twentieth century poetic writings. But now, for the first time, Rabaté's powerful and original study presents a theory of reading ...

Hegel and Whitehead

Hegel and Whitehead presents a careful exploration of the similarities between these two formidable representatives of systematic philosophy. Some of the most distinguished scholars in European and American ...

Black Consciousness in South Africa

Black Consciousness in South Africa provides a new perspective on black politics in South Africa. It demonstrates and assesses critically the radical character and aspirations of African resistance to ...

Perspectives on Management Capacity Building

Perspectives on Management Capacity Building provides a lively spectrum of views on the problems and prospects of improving the management and performance of municipal governments in the United States. ...

Consequences of Phenomenology

Edited by Don Ihde
Subjects: Philosophy

Echoing Richard Rorty's earlier Consequences of Pragmatism, this collection begins with an essay on "Phenomenology in America: 1964-1984," and concludes with a "Response to Rorty, or Is Phenomenology ...

Borders and Scrolls

Invaluable overview of domestic wall paintings in the northeast from 1890-1820

Reindustrializing New York State

This is the first study to comprehensively investigate economic revitalization strategies in a state economy that, until recently, had been the most powerful in the United States. In sixteen original ...

Woman Abuse

Battered women and woman abusers. Which beliefs about them are becoming substantiated by empirical evidence, and which have now been debunked as fallacies or myths?

Woman Abuse: Facts Replacing Myths presents ...